PH issues


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So I have a 3 gallon pico, a 29 gallon cube and my 90 gallon setup.

PH is not an issue in either the pico or cube. However I keep suffering big ph drops in the 90. I address this using your standard PH buffering additives. My question is why am I having so many issues with the 90 which should in theory suffer less than my nano tanks?

Upfront info to assist people:

All tanks water changes are done using the same water atm I am using wallyworld RO water till we finish the kitchen and I can setup my ro unit.

I mix 26 gallons of water at a time using redsea reef salt.
I heat and aerate water for 24-48 hours and test salinity and PH.
I always mix to a ph of 8.4.
Salinity is 1.023

Any questions feel free to PM me. I am puzzled as to what is causing this.

I take the PH reading in the morning.

Normally an hour after I have turned on the lights.

PH in the 90 dropped from 8.4 to 7.9 in 24 hours

That is fairly normal... Most peoples PH swings .3-.5 throughout the day. Morning is always going to be your lowest PH level.

Problem is, you might have destabilized the system by trying to get your PH up. Have you tested your Alk, Calcium and Mag? Be very careful about adding ANY buffers to your tank if you are not testing these three things. Also note that not all buffers are equal.
I will be doing calcium and dkh testing shortly. Since I really dont have a huge amount of things in the tank as yet. I had been focused on ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH and salinity.

Its weird as the ph when I first setup that tank was over the scale high at 8.8. I was concerned it would not come down and now its bombed.

Little bit more info on what i am using to up the ph. I have been using kent marines dkh and ph liquid buffer.

Reading for eveything else are as follows:

0 ammonia
0 nitrite
40 ppm nitrate
salinity 1.023

I have been doing the water changes to drop the nitrates first reading was 100ppm +

Rule of thumb... Do not dose anything that you are not testing for. Post what your dKh and CA levels are. Could be an inbalance of things but my money is on normal PH swings or bad PH test.
Yep... All looks normal.. Quit dosing Alk... ;) Once you get a fuge, it will help stabilize those swings.
Like everyone stated, your ph is fine. here's some info:"></a>


