ph Monitor


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I have been looking for a pH monitor and was wondering if anyone has used this brand.
If I were You and can afford the extra $$$ I would go with a proven name brand like pinpoint or Milwaukee.I woulnt skimp on something like this.This is only My opinion.Don`t know about You but I have WAY too much invested to skimp on things such as this just to save a few bucks.Or if You can afford a controller like a Neptune Ac Jr.they are awesome!I have the AC2 and dont know what i would do without it now.
Thanks yall and I see your point on not wasting my money on a cheap monitor when I have so much invested in my tank. I have been looking into the RK2 and finally got to see one in person over at Tim's shop. Cameron I know you have experience w/all different controlers would you recommend one over the other?