pH problem after tank move


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Two days ago I did a tank move that was very involved. Everything was initially fine. Now my pH values are falling but my other values remain stable and good, ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, salinity 1.025. I tried adding a buffer last night but it didn't stabilize the pH. During the moved I drained close to 40-45 gallons out of the 55 gallon tank, the once in it's new location I added new salt water(with reef crystals) to get it back to 55 gallon. What is happening? I am at a loss. Thanx for your help
when in doubt, add air and recheck your pH.
Best advice I can give you was given to me; don't screw around dosing until you know WHY you are dosing.
That said, if you moved the tank we assume you moved it to a different house altogether. Check the pH of your source water. If it's low to begin with, aerating it will help dramatically and you didn't add anything to the water except air. High CO2 concentrations will give you a low pH reading, aerating the water dissolves the CO2 and increases pH.
When you reset the tank up, did you or do you have the same amount of surface agitation you did previously? Is this a newer house? (sealed better)
Newly mixed saltwater will have a higher pH until it's fully dissolved, then it will fall unless you agitate and aerate it. Dosing pH buffers will only screw things up worse when everything finally stabilizes.