Phosphate levels


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Chicago area
Using an Acurel phosphate sponge in the media basket. Ive gotten my phosphates down to.50
From all Ive read that is pretty high for an LPS tank but the corals are all thriving and no issues with them. The algae issue I was having a week ago before starting the Acurel is 75% improved.
I do have 4 fish in the tank. All the other water parameters are acceptable. Nitrates under 20, 25% water change weekly.

My main question this about the best I can hope for without adding a skimmer in a nano tank with fish? I feed 1/2 frozen cube daily. Am I to concerned with the PO4 levels if everythings growing great? Thanks for your feedback.
Hey Chicago! Personally, my first rule of keeping reef tanks is use your eyes. If things look good, then no drastic changes need to be made. Testing helps determine where problem areas are and where they might be developing. Your PO4 levels are still quite high but there's no need for drastic measure to be taken. I think you could expect lower levels by feeding a bit less and I would try that. I'd also keep using the phosphate sponge.

What are you using to test PO4 levels? I would double check that number by testing with another type of test just to be sure it's really that high.
Thanks from Chicago. Hope to get to Atlanta one day. Im using the Salifert PO4 test. My LFS said it was about 2.0 a few weeks ago but I still had zero problems with the corals even that high . What set me into a panic was the huge green algae bloom occurring on the sand bed. Now much better. I also have a feeling that the combo of elevated PO4 AND an upgraded led light system (much brighter) 4 weeks ago was the perfect storm for the bloom.
Thanks from Chicago. Hope to get to Atlanta one day. Im using the Salifert PO4 test. My LFS said it was about 2.0 a few weeks ago but I still had zero problems with the corals even that high . What set me into a panic was the huge green algae bloom occurring on the sand bed. Now much better. I also have a feeling that the combo of elevated PO4 AND an upgraded led light system (much brighter) 4 weeks ago was the perfect storm for the bloom.
There are many Chicago transplants down here. I grew up in Niles.

Maybe take a look at a Hanna ULR Phosphate checker. It will give you more resolution and a tighter result.

We have several members that have mastered Nano's as well. Maybe @Trizzino can give you some pointers.
Welcome! How big is the tank and how long has the tank been set up? What kind of tank and what filtration are you using in the back chambers?
Thanks. I have a Biocuber 32 gal. Its my first reef tank its just over 2yrs old. Ive had FO tanks for much of my life. InTank media basket with floss Purigen and ChemiPure Blue and a phosphate sponge i added a week ago. Ive also upgraded to the Steves LEDs about 4 weeks ago.


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