phosphate removers


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We all know its good to have little to no phosphates in a saltwater and not too many in a planted tank. I have been using PhosBan in my planted tanks and salt Nano just in a bag in the HOB and cannister filter. I rarely use it in the big 90 gallon salt tank. I had the phosphates checked and the planted tank was above 1 and the 90 gallon salt was .5. Was thinking about moving to a phosphate reactor/remover from Little Fishes. Should I do that to insure that the phosphates stay down over time? I do have a refugium with lots of chaeto in the large salt tank.

What is the consensus on having a remover versus just bags for both the 55 planted tank and large salt tank?

The reactors are pretty cheap so I think its worth going the active filtration route. That being said I still just throw a bag of phosphate in my filter sock. It gets actively filtrated to some degree in there as there is a ton of flow through there.
I use a reactor too. Nice to be able to control the flow though the media.

Jin, what media you prefer?
I bought
a>when we had that group buy through ARC.  15% off was nice.  The pellets don't turn to dust quite as easily as the granulated stuff.
They do sell them where the meeting is held... They are a little pricey but worth it.
Actually Blue Planet had ONE in stock, so i got it today :)
I'm sure i will get something while i am there though