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my phosphates are a little high so what should i do to lower them, i want to keep sps when i get my lights, i was thinking of putting some macro algae in the sump and maybe a bag of GFO.
I would use GFO as a last resort. Anecdotal evidence has shown it to have some bad side effects on sps. Better safe than sorry.

Water changes and heavy skimming are good. You can also dose kalk; this will drop your phosphates slightly.
dripping kalk only helps with phosphates if you plan to heavly skim as kalk just bonds phosphates and aids in the removal during skimming
grouper therapy;263595 wrote: dripping kalk only helps with phosphates if you plan to heavly skim as kalk just bonds phosphates and aids in the removal during skimming

Yep, that's why I reccomended skimming heavy.:) Skimming is #1; without a great skimmer, your best bet are water changes.
Well I don't have a great skimmer. Plus I don't have any sps right now so could I still use gfo.
I have ran gfo from day one no problems. Most of the problems arise when corals have become acclimated to a high phosphate level and then alot of gfo is introduced into the system and the phosphates drop to nothing thereby shocking (stressing) the corals. Nothing but + effects on my tank and it is amixture of everything.
GFO is much easier to start before you put sps, then after. EVEN then, you need to have a good test kit like DD Merck, HACH, even Elos. Any coral you put into your tank after you stated it needs to come from a low nutrient tank or they will most likely fail. So if you want to buy ORA Corals locally, or shop at Liveaquaria, you'll be fine. But if you want frags from members that don't use GFO, it's an issue. I love the stuff, but I've had it forever. It allows me to feed as much as I want which is one of a few reasons my pipefish have lived so long. Lots of pods. I also have 2 fuges, but that's another story. I also dose Carbon, but's thats another issue, too. Actually, I don't think I even have a single frag left from a member, but one would have made it, but the color sucked. That is also another issue, as low nutrient tanks need lower ALK, Amino Acids, and more foods. Skimming is the best solution, less feeding, fuge. It's kinda all or nothing.