photo editing


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I heard the speaker at the meeting talking about photoshopping photos of your fish/coral and realized a lot of people dont know how to do this...

Ive been using photoshop for about 8 years now and would love to help some of you out as a way to give back for all the nice members on here... just PM me and ill teach you to do whatever you want :)
Thanks for the offer Carty...I'm sure there'll be interest!

Gary actually spent some time on Photoshop for a few of us that stuck around 'til the end. Even though I don't use Photoshop (I'm too cheap--I use JASC Paint Shop Pro so far) I picked up some good tips.

If you want to see more of Gary's photography, look here....

I don't Charlie...I know that he created the file (he finished it while we were at dinner before the meeting) but I didn't catch where to find it and I don't see it on his site.

I'll track him down and ask....
Thanks for the offer.

Carty I might just take you up on that. I need to do my own homework before I start bugging others.

OOPS to late. Thanks for the tips & feedback everyone.

Carty;188035 wrote: I heard the speaker at the meeting talking about photoshopping photos of your fish/coral and realized a lot of people dont know how to do this...

Ive been using photoshop for about 8 years now and would love to help some of you out as a way to give back for all the nice members on here... just PM me and ill teach you to do whatever you want :)

This is a very nice offer!

Actually, we have talked in the past about holding work-shops in members' homes. We don't have an Events Coordinator any longer, but perhaps you would consider organizing and hosting a workshop for photo editing. I bet you'd get a good turn-out. Those attending might even bring a frag along as a way to show their appreciation...

I posted a link to the file on my home page ("></a>, but it's just as easy to use the one George posted. Please note that there are a boatload of ways to process photos in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. The procedure I provided is the way I do it, but should only be used as a basic guideline of steps. I don't always use all of the steps on every photo. Nonetheless, it should give you a starting point, especially since Photoshop can be very overwhelming unless you've used it regularly.

It also looks like there is at least one person in the ARC who is willing to share and help, which is great. At some point, the best way to learn is to simply sit down and fight your way through the process. Once you've done it a couple of times, it doesn't seem so daunting.
i would love to hold a workshop.. but I wont be able to accept any frags or other freebies until my tank is set up.. im still a long way away, with very little income I need to get lights and a skimmer.. and then ill set up a workshop when I have some downtime