Photo request: Black sand


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My wife (ClaudiasMom) is the proud owner of a new Oceanic 30g cube, which she is setting up on her own. She is asking opinions here and there, and she wants to use black sand. The general feedback she's gotten is that it looks great but after a few weeks/months it gets dirty and it never looks the same again no matter how you clean it.

She has asked for some photos of tanks with black sand, after they've been up a while. I've never seen any shots other than new builds, so I'm seeking help from you guys (and gals).

Can anybody help her out?

I have a 14 gallon nano with black sand I can get a few pictures of. Honestly, I've given up trying to keep it clean. The black sand looks disgusting if you're not constantly taking care of it. If I had to do it again I would use the Aragamax sand like my main DT.
Thanks, Ster. I'd appreciate a photo. I'm trying to sway her to white sand, but I did agree to let her make the ultimate decisions.
I use black sand in my 180g. It stays quite clean. With good flow and regular maintence, blak sand should not look I have a FOWLR setup, so not sure if that makes a difference... I will take pics tonight and post.
barry i got black sand in the 55 holding tank until the 185 and 120 are done, it looks fine however the stuff i got, i forget whos it was but was a big name in sand, sticks to my magnetic glass scraper and will scratch the glass, weird magnetic sand.
lol, I noticed that too, but I have noticed that once the sand became established, the "magneticness" has worn off.
A lot of people simply repeat what they hear on forums, true or otherwise. Here are two things I hear a lot:
1. Black substrate becomes dirty and looks bad.
2. Black substrate cuts down a lot on reflected light.

I don't know if either are true, but based on my personal experience:

1. Black substrate becomes dirty. A lot of this has to do with water flow. Crap settles if there is not enough flow, common sense. BUT a lot also has to do with grain size. I use Caribsea Hawaiian Black. It has fine to semi course grains. The grain size allows mulm to fall down into it, and sand sifters like nassarius get the detritus, so Hawaiian Black looks better over time, IME, than say Nature's Ocean Black aragonite because the Nature's Ocean is very fine and does not let any waste down into it. I don't consider my black substrate any dirtier than my white.

2. Black substrate cuts down a lot on reflected light. Probably some, but is it enough to hurt coral growth? Not IME. How much light reflected off white substrate actually makes a beneficial contribution to coral growth anyways? Does it go all the way back tothe reflectors and get bounced back into the tank? Doubtful. Does it reflect onto the underside of corals and provide benefit? In nature, reefs are not close to sand anyways and there is very little, if any, reflectivity of sunlight from the base of corals back up onto the underside of corals, I would guess. Real reefs don't grow on crushed white aragonite substrates, they grow on top of old corals.

I think the decision should be based on what you think is the most aesthetically pleasing. I prefer white in my 210 SPS reef, but prefer the black in my chalice tank for the offset it gives the chalice colors.

Here are pics of my 100 gallon tank with Caribsea Hawaiian Black, set up for about 6 months. Flow is two Vortech MP40Ws, set to 50% power each.
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Acroholic;372212 wrote: CaribSea Hawaiian Black is not magnetic.
It's what we use in our nano. It's magnetic. Maybe we just got the odd bag.
I use the SeaChem stuff. It is not magnetic and it doesn't look dirty. It may actually be referred to as Gray rather than black, but close enough for me.

I do run two Vortechs, so that probably helps with the dirty.
Ster;372223 wrote: It's what we use in our nano. It's magnetic. Maybe we just got the odd bag.

Could be...but are you sure it is not Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Aragonite Black Beach? It is magnetic. link:"></a>

Here are pics of a powerful disc magnet covered in CaribSea Hawaiian Black, the same magnet dunked in water, and the same magnet after being pulled from the water. No magnetism. And the Caribsea I used was some of the very first shipped in the US.
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i have black sand in my tank and i think it looks fine. i agree with acroholic, go with a fine/corse mixture.
kelleyga36;372248 wrote: If you will read my statement I said most,not all.

If you read my statement I only said that the Caribsea product was not magnetic, so I don't understand the problem. This gives anyone reading this thread a choice in black substrate without having to worry about it being magnetic or not. If they purchased based on your "most black sand is magnetic" statement they would not know, and might stay away from black as an option period.
Thanks for the input, guys and gals. Ultimately this is Sandie's tank to build, and she really wanted black. She said that if she had to vacuum the bed often, so be it.

SO... today I came home with 40 pounds of the Tahitian Moon sand. I'm going to try to find some coarser black to mix in; that is very sound advice. I cleaned it and am just waiting on her to start her rockwork so that I can put the sand in.

In doing so, she has opened herself up to being pushed down a flight of stairs by Ansley, as well as not being allowed to be his friend (per his vow to her). I guess that'll be her cross to bear. :)
Not trying to sidetrack the thread....BUT WOW! Just checked out">Appaloosa1224</a> 's pictures! INSANE. get back on track.....I love the look of black sand, though I've not had any experience with it (ok, there's my 2 cents)
