Picasso Clown Questions - Actin' Real Goofy


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Well my picassos from Tim went in at 3 AM (late poker night at Keen Reef...LOL) and they are being goofy in traditional clown fashion. Tim was graciuos enough to place them in a tank of RBTA to see if they hosted and they did. Infact they jumped from nem to nem at his place like kids in a candy store:D

Plug for Tim.....his fish are extremely active. Everything there appears super healty and happy and I am so glad I made the trip.

Dripped them for 1.5 hours and ensured EVERY parameter was spot on. Put them in and they've been swimming constantly now for almost 18 hours. I have a pretty good sized GBTA they won't even glance at. Instead they've chosen to hang out in top front corner in the flow stream where they have to swim vicously just to stay put. I did mix up a food mix (mysis, brine, squid, bloodworms, krill, squid, and 3 different pellets along with garlic guard, vitality, and zoecon) and they seem to nibble a little but would not leave that corner for anything. I wanted to make sure they had anything they could possibly want...LOL. As much as they're swimming, I feel like they need to eat alot or else have issues.

SHould I worry or are they just being silly:D
You can pass them to me maybe they will act fine in my set up.:D jk
uh, no markL he has to pass to me as my whole house has funny acting animals and i need some funny acting fish, got a shrimp thats funny so i got that covered.

I think that Tim would know about the actions of them, hope they fare well
theyre just adjusting to the ne environmnet, but turn off asny excessive flow for w hile, because they can exhaust.
I turned off everything but my return pumps when I put them in and haven't cut the Koralias back on yet. They had migrated a little this morning closer to the rear...but still in my return pump stream. They seem perfectly healthy though so I guess I shouldn't worry. That's just a little hard to do when it's a special fish:D
I undestand your concern, especially wit these being Picasso's....but, this seems normal behaviour from clowns - they are so weird sometimes it great. Def a good move dropping the flow so they don't exhaust, and remember they did not have a lot of flow in the store....they are most likely acclimating and freaking you out while they are at it....your tank params are good, and you acclimated them slowly...thats all you can do.
When I first put my Darwins in my 90g, they never left the top corner of the tank. I didn't leave them there long as I added a pair of ocellaris, and they all didnt get along.

I moved the Darwins to a 12g nano and the same thing happened: top corner of the cube. They even ended up in the cube chambers a few times before I covered it with gutter guard.

It took awhile, but eventually the clowns ventured out of the corner and now are all over the tank. It might have been a defense mechanism at first. Poor things were so small, they seemed to want to keep their backs to the glass and on top of everything so anything that might harm them was in front or below where they could see it.

Now my Darwins rule their nano. I imagine yours will come around, too, and as Jeremy has said are just adjusting.

Would love to see pictures!
Dang'dabit! Turning off the ph's has got my GBTA on the move again......ARGGGHHHH:doh: If it's not one thing it's another...LOL. At least it's moving towards the clowns:D

I'll snap some pics tonight.
Well by the time I got home the GBTA had jumped from the back wall to my "showpiece" of LR where I have a pokerstar monti mounted:doh:

On a good note, the clowns came to see what I was doing when moving the monti and decided the GBTA was home (for right now anyways). These tank-raised clowns are quite funny, they act like puppies instead of fish:D
jonboyb;271708 wrote: Well by the time I got home the GBTA had jumped from the back wall to my "showpiece" of LR where I have a pokerstar monti mounted:doh:

On a good note, the clowns came to see what I was doing when moving the monti and decided the GBTA was home (for right now anyways). These tank-raised clowns are quite funny, they act like puppies instead of fish:D
Good to here. Sometimes it just takes time.
The little guy (male?) has almost no black and one side is really white. The bigger one (female?) is a more traditional picasso.

They've been in the nem for an hour now so I'm a happy man:yay:

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By http://profile.imageshack.us/user/jonboyb">jonboyb</a>, shot with [IMG]http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=DMC-LZ1&make=Panasonic">DMC-LZ1</a> at 2009-01-12

[IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/878/p1040252ql3.jpg alt="" />
By http://profile.imageshack.us/user/jonboyb">jonboyb</a>, shot with [IMG]http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=DMC-LZ1&make=Panasonic">DMC-LZ1</a> at 2009-01-12

[IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/5121/p1040263up8.jpg alt="" />
If I didn't already have regular false percs I would get some snowflakes or some of these Picassos. They are gorgeous.