Pico Tank -- who has one?

linda lee

Active Member
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What would you recommend? Post a link to a supplier if you can.

Looking for 3-5 gallons with sufficient light/filtration for softies.

Primary in habitant will be my daughter's new mantis shrimp.
What kind of Mantis i have 2 i have one in a AGA mini bow let me see if i can find a link i may even sell it soon
How much would you want for the mantis and the mini bow if you decide to sell it?
Linda, I have the JBJ picotope (it's my sons). I've since added two micro-powerheads and a 36w coralife fixture. It's enough light to keep softies and currently houses my 'rare/LE' zoas and palys.

I need to take some pictures...I really like that tank.
Megan has the mantis in a 2-1/2 g mini bow now and it would be fine in that by itself. But she wants something that would support a few soft (beginning) corals and this has insufficient lighting.

Charlie, do mantis shrimp need a secure top? I don't know much about them. this one is small -- about the size of a cockroach... ugh.

I was thinking about http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3730+15494&pcatid=15494">this little system</a>. Debra has one on the counter at CapBay with some pistol shrimp and corals and it looks pretty cool:

[IMG]http://a1272.g.akamai.net/7/1272/1121/20061017221409/www.drsfostersmith.com/images/Categoryimages/normal/p_27364_36943_aquarium.jpg alt="" />
LorenK;192753 wrote: Linda, I have the JBJ picotope (it's my sons). I've since added two micro-powerheads and a 36w coralife fixture. It's enough light to keep softies and currently houses my 'rare/LE' zoas and palys.

I need to take some pictures...I really like that tank.

Might be just right. Where did you get it? Can you give me an idea on a price? She's on a pretty tight budget.
I got it from someone on the board...it was new though.


I think Sam said he could order them at Aquabuys when I was looking.

[QUOTE=][B]Linda Lee;192755 wrote:[/B] Might be just right. Where did you get it? Can you give me an idea on a price? She's on a pretty tight budget.[/QUOTE]
If you want to id the mantis snap a pic and post it i love mantis and research them all the time or just check out these 2 sites


I have an eclipse system 3 tank. (6 gallon) -- I wouldn't recommend it because I think it comes with an 18 watt PC light that you can't grow a thing with. It's also got a weak circulation / filtration system that has a long tube that things can get stuck in and clog up slowly over time, and decay to annoy your corals. If you take off the top to allow for better lighting, then you have to start dealing with evaporation issues because it's no longer a covered system.

I had to get extra lighting just to have Xenia in the tank. Frogspawn, Candy Cane, and mushrooms were just fine, though.

I like my 10gallon quarantine tank with coralife 24" light and and the Aquaclear hang on filter much better.
ace1204;192792 wrote: If you want to id the mantis snap a pic and post it i love mantis and research them all the time or just check out these 2 sites



Thanks!! Megan will enjoy this site. She's fascinated by these creatures.

Wow... didn't know they could get THIS big...

[IMG]http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/malacostraca/eumalacostraca/royslist/images/h_californiensis4.jpg alt="" />
They actually can get bigger up to about 15" or so, but only what they call a zebra mantis i believe and it rarely leaves it burrow
I have a pico and it's a pain if it's small, I would suggest getting a 6 gallon nanocube, much easier to work with and by the time you get all the parts together, you will be spending about the same.
:lol2: I read this title quickly and thought it said "Pink Taco- who has one?"
jmaneyapanda;192876 wrote: :lol2: I read this title quickly and thought it said "Pink Taco- who has one?"

That's cuz you read it @ 12:36 p.m. ~ ~ Lunch time!



jmaneyapanda;192962 wrote: I think we are talking about different things....

yep... I did a little googling after your post...


(I've led <u>such</u> a sheltered life)
Try to get a pic from the front if at all possible usually one of the distinct features is something called a Meral spot, which is located on the inside of there front apendages, Do you know where he came from? Fla, Hawaii, indonesia? That would help as well usually hitchikers from flaliverock are typically Neogonodactylus oerstedii and usually have a purple meral spot.
Linda Lee;192964 wrote: yep... I did a little googling after your post...


(I've led <u>such</u> a sheltered life)

Hopefully you didn't do a google image search...
triggerhappy8;194334 wrote: Hopefully you didn't do a google image search...

um, no

viewing pink tacos online (or anywhere) is not really my thing
