Picture Posting?


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Has something changed? Never been good at posting pics but something is different when I go to attach a pic. Is the drag and drop gone?
I don't konw, but I noticed the same thing. Chris is out of town for the week so we will have to wait until next week
Yes, drag and drop is temporarily gone. Try the old fashioned "Add a picture" button. Seems to work fine for me.
To attach pics the old fashioned way, first type your post. Below that, click on the "Manage Attachments" button (see first screen shot). This will open a new browser window (pic 2). Then click on the "Browse" button. This will open up a directory. Find and select your file, click "Open", then click on "Upload".

If the pic was of a sufficient size and compression, you should see your files listed under the "Attach Files" box (pic 3). Then click on "Submit Reply" and your pics should be posted.
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend>
You might have to reduce your image size before you post it. Any image editting software can do it (Adobe photoshop, MS Photo Editor, even MS paint).
I keep getting an error. "Upload of file failed" after about 60 seconds. Guess I will wait until the drag and drop is back.
Yup- drag and drop is disabled again. Some people were having a problem with a quota error message, and it was easier to disable it for now and work on it when I get a chance.