Pink Skunk died (Female of Mated Pair) - What now?


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Unfortunately, I woke up this morning to find that the female of my mated pair of pink skunks didn't make it through the night. Have no idea why, except that she had a little spot on her stomach. Water params are fine, so that's all I can think of.

At any rate, what do I do now? Should I try to find another big female? Do you guys know anyone who has one? Pink skunks seem to be pretty rare around here.
I just saw some pink skunks at Blue Planet today. I don't remember any big ones, but it's worth a phone call.
My huge HUGE female onyx perc (about 5" long) committed suicide during the full moon in october, so I'm in the same boat w/ you.
I'm going to get two small percs after the male has enough time to become female, as I've read that a single clown will become a female if no other clown is in the tank.
I remember seeing a pink skunk at Aquarium Showcase...small one that was in their anemone tank.
If you leave that one by itself in the tank to become female and add a 2nd clown later, it seems like you'd then have to go through an adjustment period where the female would have to accept the addition of a male to the tank. There's always the chance (from what I've read) that she wouldn't accept the new clown and might kill it.

I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to add a new/small clown now while they'd both be little, let them hang out together and allow nature to take its course as to which one becomes the female?

Others who have more experience with this could advise. 2 weeks ago I added a small clarkii to my 55g (which houses a BTA and a large female clarkii) and the little guy still hasn't taken up residence in the BTA. I think the female is still trying to get that ring in his nose and get the pre-nup signed...

Another note: you might want to move the surving clown to a Q/T and introduce another clown in neutral territory. This way you could also be sure the clown you now have doesn't have the same thing as the female that died and could also be sure the new clown is healthy before they both go back into your display.

Good luck and keep us posted!!
