Pink spots


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I've posted this before but couldn't get good pictures. Maybe these are better??

I've got random spots of pink that seem to move from day to day. I can't see them moving but they don't stay put. I heard in the middle of some youtube video some time that they were coraline eating asterina. I can't really SEE anything at all other than the color. Pics coming.
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In the first picture it's just under the chalice plug. It's scattered in the other two.

LOL - I'm no expert.

I feel like the genie and somebody rubbed the bottle and POOF here I am.

It's really hard to tell from the pictures.  First thing that comes to mind is red planaria otherwise known as flatworms.  The colour is about right and they definitely move around.  Could be small clusters of them moving from place to place.

That's my best guess based on the pictures.


I did some Googling and found some more pics. I see VERY little other than the color. I feel like I'd be able to see the worms if it was planaria. I definitely don't see them on anything but the rocks/coraline. I do, frequently see it on the super glue, if that rings any bells.... I definitely don't see it on any coral.
I tried to look even closer last night... I still can't see any worms....
I believe Jenn was suggesting flat worms.  They are very small (0.1 to 0.6 inch's) so they arent what you would expect to look like typical worms.  I was poking around the internet and many have described them as you did.
When I googled they were showing little slug critters. The forum threads I found didn't have pictures and were all about getting rid of them. Do you think these are doing anything other than possibly eating coraline?
Im not certain thats what they are.  Its really hard to tell in the pictures and Ive never seen them in person.  But, here is some info about planeria on Melev's reef.
I think there is some on a rock I can take out and examine more closely. I'll check that out tonight.
My bet is on red flatworms. (kinda red... mostly they are clear with a red stripe in the middle).
I couldn't find it on a small piece of rock with them on it.

So if they are flatworms, what do I need to do?
I guess I mean, if I don't think they're doing harm, do I need to worry about them?
It really depends on what kind.  AEFW are the worst.  Flatworms reguardless of the type will reproduce at a very high rate.  The link I provided has some great suggestions on how to get rid of them.  Im sorry Im not more help as I have never experienced flatworms.
They don't seem to be touching my acros. The spots are lower in the the tank. All of my acros are up top and I don't ever see these spots anywhere up there. I only ever see them on rock and super glue.
Based on the pictures I've seen through Google I would think this close up I would be able to see the worms. This piece of rock is right near the glass. I It looks more like a smooth coat, like algae, than small worms??? still waiting to see if any pops up on a piece I can easily take out.

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It's really weird. In some places where my wife and I could really get a close look through the glass it just looks like coraline. It's just a smooth color. In a couple of spots that are further from the glass actually, I can see what looks more individual specs, which fit better if they are worms.

Since they aren't causing a problem and I'm not sure that's what they are. Which one of these should I try? I'd like a mandarin anyway should I give that a try?

Six Line Wrasses, Leopard Wrasses, Target Mandarins and even Blue Damsels