Pink Spotted Watchman- aggressive or entertaining?


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Powder Springs
My Watchman Goby is a big guy. It's fed twice a day, Mysis, table shrimp or meaty frozen food like Rods Reef, Frenzy etc. as always.
For the last week when I'm watching the tank (not feeding) it will grab hermit crabs, take them under a rock, drop it and go get more. If I walk away it will stop and follow me around the tank watching me. When watching it from a distance it pays no attention to the crabs only when I'm right in front of the tank NOT feeding. It seems like it's just trying to entertain me because I don't see it going back under the rock to eat them but I have found several hermit crabs "claws" in the tank recently.

I'm wondering if I'm just more aware of the crab claws or if the claws are the only part of the crab it isn't eating? Anyone have any experience with this?
My pink spotted goby "Spot" does the same thing. He grabs the unsuspecting hermit and drags him into his hole, crab crawls out, repeat process. To my knowledge he hasn't eaten any of them, they are just his "boredom pacifiers"! He gets along w/everyone in the tank except for the Purple Tang, "Pootie Tang", once the tang found out that Spot would run from him when he approached, then that became the tangs goal for the day!
They're both - aggressive and entertaining. :)

They can and will eat fishes if they're small enough, as well as ornamental shrimp.

They're nice fish - just be aware that their big mouth can and will gobble up whatever fits.

CaptHutch;966775 wrote: My pink spotted goby "Spot" does the same thing. He grabs the unsuspecting hermit and drags him into his hole, crab crawls out, repeat process. To my knowledge he hasn't eaten any of them, they are just his "boredom pacifiers"! He gets along w/everyone in the tank except for the Purple Tang, "Pootie Tang", once the tang found out that Spot would run from him when he approached, then that became the tangs goal for the day!

Love it's name Hutch, it's so original I may copy you :)
That fire truck on your avatar is very cool too!!