Pistol Shrimp goby combo


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I was really want to get a pistol shrimp goby combo, but I'm worried that the pistol shrimp will kill my inverts. I have skunk cleaners as well as many hermits and snails. Can anyone ease my mind?
no issues, I have 2 different gobis with 2 different shrimp......
Same here with my pair and the shrimp is pretty big. I have a fire and skunk shrimp with him. No issues...
My LFS just told me that unless I get a goby from the same ocean as my pistol shrimp they won't pair. Is this true?
Certain gobies prefer certain pistol shrimp, and vice versa. Take a look at the LiveAquaria Divers Den from time to time to see what fish they sell paired with pistol shrimp. That will help you find out which kind you need.
Personally I have had the best luck pairing a Candy Cane Pistol or (randall's pistol) with gobies, but I have seen tiger pistols paired as well.
+1 to all the above post.
Check out the Yasha Goby and a Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp.
Here are some links with pictures:


One of just the shrimp:
I have never had any problems except for them stealing stuff to block the door of their home when they are tunneling on the other side of the tank. Also no problems bothering anybody they live with sexy shrimp ,snails, crabs, and a cleaner shrimp
I just got my tiger pistol shrimp + yellow watchman combo. They seem to be very happy, the tiger just molted after 2 days
Now, after a week or 2 of having them, I think my watchmen goby is a bum. He just lives in the pistol shrimps house, never helping him. Every time I see my pistol, he's always by himself moving sand. The watchmen goby doesn't help him keep a lookout for any dangers, but instead will abandon the pistol shrimp to get food.

I hope my pistol is charging him rent or something.