Pistol Shrimp Question

linda lee

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So our goby has been hanging out outside the burrow more and more often and venturing further and further away from it. We've not seen the pistol in awhile and when a skewer with food was left by the burrow for a long period of time, the shrimp never came out.

Could he be a gonner? Or do these guys take *separate vacations* from time to time?

Linda I haven't seen my pistol in a couple days now. Usually he is always out during feeding time. I hope both our buggers are OK :confused2: .
I have two shrimp and am thinking of getting a Yellow watchmen-would they hook up even if the shrimp have been established for a while now?
they move around some. most likely OK, but of course, ya never know.
I have gone for weeks without seeing my pistol shrimp, even at feeding time. I wouldn't panic quite yet...
The pistol in my 210 seperated from my Yellow Watchman too. I am hoping it hooks up the Wheeler's Goby now since it has moved to his side of the tank!
I see mine only once a week and that has been his behavior since I have had him which is about 2 months.
It's not unusual for us to go for weeks without seeing the pair, and that's not a big deal. But I've never seen one without the other and that's why I was concerned. The goby seems to be all alone.

Oh well -- we'll be combining the 125g and the 90g soon, so I guess we'll be finding out where everyone is.

Loren thinks he saw his brittle star in the pistol's burrow. The BS wouldn't have been able to kill the shrimp, would it?