Pistol Shrimp the answer to the Oil Crisis?


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a> for a very slight moment pistol shrimp can create an implosion with their claws which creates enough heat to be comparable with the temperature of the sun.  An untapped resource
WOW.....and i thought of geting a pair of those well it would be but then again the oil would kill the shrimp? am i right not sure but i think i am?
uhh , i was gonna get some cleaner shrimp but there is already a pistol shrimp in my tank from the video it doesnt look like a good idea ??
Chris, my hawk ate both of my clearn shrimp, non for you and non for me. Sorry man, but if you're in for the dive, i'll always give you free frags when you come to my house, if you want to buy something for pay for my gas i'll come to your house.
I have had a pistol shrimp (with watchman goby) and two cleaner shrimp for several years now. Never thought of the pistol being a threat to the cleaner's.
That's a great vid. Not sure what kind of pistol that is... I'd like to know so I never buy one :).
considering the sun is a big ball of nuclear fusion, I doubt seawater can reach that temperature without a legitimate molecular cue
<sarcasm>Although the sun's core is around 27 million degrees or so the surface is only 10k degrees. I'm sure a tiny lil shrimp can create 10,000 degree temperatures with its claw. That sounds logical. </sarcasm>

J/k. Anyone know the source of that video? I'd love to watch the entire thing.
Unfortunately, I don't know the original source. For the record, I hoped you would have caught my original sarcasm. I did not actually think that it created temperatures to rival the sun. I posted it because I laughed out loud when I heard him say that.