Pistol shrimp


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Tucker, GA
So I posted about my goby jumping out of my tank in another post. He paired up with a pistol shrimp in my tank. Now that the goby is gone will the pistol shrimp be ok until I get another goby? Should I get another one sooner than later?
He'll be fine, I've had one for a year without a goby. I haven't seen him since i put him in but I hear him all the time. Added a watchman a month ago but they haven't paired yet.
I would get him one sooner, my reason is that he may start moving around your tank and if your happy with were he lives now it might keep him from moving his cave where you can't see him. Also you see them more when you have a goby! I have had 3 pair of tiger pistol/yellow watchman and one Randal/orange striped goby.
I'd suggest you get a goby soon but that's just because I want your shrimp to have a buddy. Steve's got a good point, I've added a new goby to an existing shrimp and it can take a while for them to pair up.