PITA RBTA Keeps Moving!!


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Acworth, GA
Despite advice not to do it, I bought a very nice RBTA from Rit at Atlanta Aquarium. He settled in to a spot at the back bottom of the tank. Stayed there for a few months. Now he’s everywhere. Every morning it’s like playing “Where’s Waldo”. This week he’s been creeping up the tank wall. Sat for a few days on my magnetic frag rack, today he’s in the top corner of the tank, right at the water line. Any thoughts on what to do??
A perfect bubbletip resting spot is one where it gets the right amount of light/flow, secure and safe area for its foot so it can recede in case of trouble, and preferably to hang upside down at night.

They will accept many other spots but right now this one has to find it.

My recommendation is to peel him off the glass and put him on a rock all by himself on the sand bed with the pumps off for 10 minutes so it has time to attach. The anemone will not traverse over sand... so it's his own lil island and it can move around to its hearts content. At some point it'll probably take the best spot it can on its island and settle in. The only way he gets off is if he goes suicidal and lets go... which is a last resort and uncommon with healthy nems. Try to choose a rock that has plenty of crevices for him to jam his foot into and again preferably a structure that allows it to hang somewhat upside down at night. That last one is a preference for them... not a requirement.
I just moved him. He’s attached himself and is checking out the spot. I DO have one REALLY P.O.’d lawnmower blenny right now as this THING is in his favorite hiding spot. [He’s underneath the overhang, right behind the RBTA, giving me the hairy eyeball]

BTW, he DID leave his original rock island to go over the sand, take over and occupy the Tang cave for a day or two before he moved to the outside rocks. Then he took a fallen zoa frag hostage, somehow dragged himself and the frag across the sand again before he started his accent up the glass wall.

BTW, he DID leave his original rock island to go over the sand, take over and occupy the Tang cave for a day or two before he moved to the outside rocks. Then he took a fallen zoa frag hostage, somehow dragged himself and the frag across the sand again before he started his accent up the glass wall.
Mine wont stay still either always moves to the back

BTW, he DID leave his original rock island to go over the sand, take over and occupy the Tang cave for a day or two before he moved to the outside rocks. Then he took a fallen zoa frag hostage, somehow dragged himself and the frag across the sand again before he started his accent up the glass wall.

Hmmm I can imagine with sand that's staying somewhat together it would be possible. If you get tired of housing it let me know... I'd be happy to trade for him. :p