After making a classic newbie mistake 7 months ago and buying a new, undrilled 45 gallon tank, I knew I would be upgrading at the earliest opportunity. My husband, being the ever accommodating sweetheart he is, bought a used setup for me for Christmas, and brought it home on New Year's Eve. It's an older setup with older equipment (we're on a tight budget due to my medical expenses), but it's big, it's mine, and it's going to be absolutely amazing!
What I have (so far)
125 gallon Aqueon reef-ready tank w/dual overflows 72 1/2"L x 18 1/2"W x 22"H
Wood stand 72 1/2"L x 19"W x 28"H
75 gallon glass DIY 3-section sump tank
2 heaters
Marineland Penguin Pro 375 HOB filter
AquaC EV-180 Protein Skimmer
Danner MD18 Pondmaster mag-drive 1800gph return pump
Danner Pondmaster 700gph pond-mag utility pump for the skimmer
72" fluorescent light fixture, holds 8 bulbs (4 blue, 4 white)
Large tote full of reef rock and coral skeleton
Tote half full of sand
Various sections of PVC, fittings, valves, etc from previous setup
*1st tank picture is from a website. Same model as mine. I'll post a fts later
*Photos are from previous owner, where the setup was in storage
What I have (so far)
125 gallon Aqueon reef-ready tank w/dual overflows 72 1/2"L x 18 1/2"W x 22"H
Wood stand 72 1/2"L x 19"W x 28"H
75 gallon glass DIY 3-section sump tank
2 heaters
Marineland Penguin Pro 375 HOB filter
AquaC EV-180 Protein Skimmer
Danner Pondmaster 700gph pond-mag utility pump for the skimmer
72" fluorescent light fixture, holds 8 bulbs (4 blue, 4 white)
Large tote full of reef rock and coral skeleton
Tote half full of sand
Various sections of PVC, fittings, valves, etc from previous setup
*1st tank picture is from a website. Same model as mine. I'll post a fts later
*Photos are from previous owner, where the setup was in storage
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