Placement of Corals


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Does it matter when attaching corals to rocks what aspect they face...other than down? If I want to attach some to a vertical surface - is that alright, or should everything be facing up?


It honestly depends on the coral. Most corals are photosynthetic, so toward the light would be best. Some corals needs less light than other and can be placed lower in the tank or even under a shaded rock receiving indirect light. Some corals do not require any light at all. It just depends on the coral. if you post up specifically which corals you are talking about I am sure you will get a plethera of opinions!
Mark is right--there is a going to be some difference in advice depending on the coral. But as a general rule, corals (and clams) will tend to orient themselves toward the light no matter how you place them--it just may take them extra energy to do so. With small acro frags, I actually like to glue them flat to a surface and let them encrust and then send up branches as they see fit. This way they use less energy adjusting and more energy growing (totally my own opinion/observation, so take it with a grain of salt).

I was actually really surprised the other day when I turned a clam around 180 degrees in my tank. It was in the exact same position, just facing the other way, and it looked like it had suddenly started bleaching out. But the closer I watched the more I could tell that the zooxanthellae in its mantle had simply adapted to the angle of the light they were recieving, and when I reversed the clam, they had to readjust to capture the light more directly. This blew me away but over the period of 4 or 5 days the clam was back to its solid blue. I knew my super x-ray vision would come in handy some day.
As a side note when getting frags of SPS, it is best to put as much surface in the light as possible. So rather than stand it on its end pointing toward the light, laying it down so more of the frag is in the light is generally best.
Here is what I have:
Mushrooms, trumpet, hammer, xenias, button, zoas. Would someone please tell me about proper placement of in which ones need to remain up-facing, and which should be closest to the lights?

Thanks very much,

Virtually all of those are pretty drop in the tank and let go kinda corals. They all require lighting, but placement isn't too critical just don't hit them with too much light. My shrooms often detach and find a cave to hide in. SPS placement is very important. I find other corals very tolerant of lighting placement.