Planning ahead and need heater...what size heater will fit inside Aquafuge 2 HOB?


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Newnan GA
I plan to add a medium or large Aquafuge 2 HOB to my tank in the fuge and was wondering what size heater will fit inside? I was going to buy a EHEIM Jager Heater as they are the most recommended but they are also the longest. My tank is a 46 gallon so I probably need what a 200w heater? A 200w Eheim heater is 15" long; is that gonna fit in a medium or large aquafuge?

It seems most other brand 200w heaters are only 12" long. Why is the Eheim so long?

...actually I am probably suppose to run two heaters as a fail-safe huh? So I would need two 100 watt'rs for my 46 gallon.
200w would be more than enough... Two 75's would be sufficient, and unless you keep your heat low, I'd suspect two 50's would be just fine as well.
mojo;711313 wrote: 200w would be more than enough... Two 75's would be sufficient, and unless you keep your heat low, I'd suspect two 50's would be just fine as well.

Really? I only need two 50's? I thought the rule of thumb was like 4watts per gallon...
Maybe if you live in the arctic. I've never seen that kind of need.

I used to have 500w of heaters in my 800g system, the majority of which was in the 67 degree basement, and I never had a problem keeping things warm enough....