please help dkh


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my dhk is high and i can not find a way to lower it can some one please tell me how
I would try a different alk test. Are you using a titration test or other test?

Here is why I ask, at a dKH of 20+, you would most likely have the alk drop out of solution and you would KNOW that there is a major problem.

What salt are you using, Instant Ocean has had reports of making the dKH raise to about 18 but I have never heard above that.

Have you tested your dKH of your source water? Might be worth a check. Have you tested the dKH of your new salt water before you add it to the tank? Might be worth a check.

Are you running a calcium reactor?!?

You can use a weak acid, like vinegar to bring the dKH down but I would only use a SMALL amount at a time and test after about 12-24 hours.

What is your calcium and mag?!?
if your ALk test is not at fault, I would suggest ODing on calcium and Mg, which will drain out the DKH. Don't OD too much, cause then it'll be too low. Calcium and Mag would bond with the carbonate because of the supersaturation point.
if your calc is 450, then usually your Mg is 1350. When you see "snow storm" or calcium and Mag getting pulled out the water, start testing your DKH again. DoN"T POUR TOO mUCH!