To be clear, I'm the "dummy" referenced in the title lol, and I'm getting a little bit impatient. I'll preface this discussion by admitting I know very little about plumbing, so layman's terms are appreciated. That said, how hard is it to plumb in a sump? It's a pretty basic setup, a 60 breeder DIYed into a sump with 3 chambers. I don't have a lot of equipment going into this, either. Just the AquaC protein skimmer, with its necessary pump, filter socks, heaters, and the return pump. Maybe another pump for flow in the middle chamber, which wouldn't require plumbing, and the ability to add an ATO when I get one. I've read articles, watched videos, etc., but I want to make sure I'm not missing something, some vital step or piece of the puzzle that would turn this from a successful setup to an epic and expensive failure. I'm tired of sitting here looking at this big, empty glass box, and about ready to do it myself. Any advice and guidance is greatly appreciated!