Plumbing AWC Question


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Good evening everyone, I hope everyone is having a great Monday! Today I made a little more progress as far as my preparations for my 750xxl! I'm doing it a bit slow and in stages because it will be getting really crazy at work soon. I have my mixing station in place and dry plumbed, I will finish it once I get my pump within the next couple of weeks. I would like to somehow connect my tank to my plumbing for a awc, @jcook54 suggested setting up a tank in my garage next to the mixing station and plumbing it that way. Unfortunately if I put anything else into the garage I may have an unwanted war with the wife! As you can see, I left the ends on the bottom blank with a union ball valve for the moment. Please bring any ideas, it doesn't have to be an awc, at least if I could set it up as to where I don't have to carry any buckets I'm happy! I can move around in the crawl space pretty easy, so it wouldn't be a big problem either way. Thank you guys for all of your help and patience so far.

Sorry it isn't a very good picture, but the tank will be where the chair is now.

1.Is there some way I can connect to the end of that and run a pipe under my crawl space, and if i did that how would i connect into the sump.
2.Would an Apex dos work from that distance, not much head but about a 30ft run.
3.For dumping the sump Could I add a union tee valve on my return below a ball valve and pump my water out that way under the crawl space into my crawl space sump drain?
