Pod explosion ?


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I have a small tank that has been cycled for little over a month it's only inhabitants are a few slow growing macros and an oc clown .
In the last week I've had a huge pod explosion there are so many in the water column it looks like reef snow , there on everything . I know there healthy part of the system , but I've never seen so many that weren't in a system designed to grow them.
It's making my water look clowdy , whats causing the bloom is it a food source and lack of predators ?
I still have a few areas on my rock with a bit of diatom from the cycle and dosing of stability , could it be the food source ?
I've been trying but there too small to get a shot of clearly .
I took video but can't post it for some reason IDK
Try this
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<legend> Attached files </legend>
Doesn't look like I'm going to be able to get a good picture.
I caught about 50 or s by ringing out my filter floss in a container but there far too small for my camera to focus upon.
Some that I see in riding the water column seems to be still attached to a yoke sack like there still hatching where as the ones all over the glass are crawling .
This same thing happened to me about 4 months ago. They all showed up overnight in sync with my diatoms, and disappeared just as quickly within a few weeks. Now I have a stable pod population but it kind of took a roller coaster swing up and down before it balanced itself out
indecloudzua;984390 wrote: if you have some extra i'd gladly take some off you to seed my tank with some!!
There pretty tough to get , I tried sucking them off the glass with a baster with little success gathering them.
The only success I've had is just shaking out filter floss in a container.
I will bring you whatever I can shake out Saturday morning , also I can probably get you some larger amphipods from another system.
A yellow coris wrasse (among others) would love to give you a hand in clearing them up.

I see mine picking the little buggers off the rock all the time. He does not wipe them out. Just snacks on them while waiting for the two legged creatures to bring the main dinner to the tank.
Y-Not;984493 wrote: A yellow coris wrasse (among others) would love to give you a hand in clearing them up.

I see mine picking the little buggers off the rock all the time. He does not wipe them out. Just snacks on them while waiting for the two legged creatures to bring the main dinner to the tank.
My main display has a wrasse in it , I'm sure he is the reason I Don't often notice them in there.