Polyp Extension and PAR


Well-Known Member
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Tucker, GA
So Ive had this question on my mind for a little while now. I look at these pictures that people post on here of their coral mainly SPS...and i see so many polyps out and with a lot of extension on them...when I look at my SPS im not seeing my polyps extending during the day. Its a different story at night, i see plenty of extension. So i dont know if they arent extending because of the intensity of my lights. I am currently running 2 AI Hydra 52 HDs. @jcook54 has come over and done a par reading for me and where i have my SPS frags i was getting really high readings. Some places were reading around 600+ PAR. I have changed my settings down a bit for the lights and have raised up the lights about a foot to see if that helps. Im not seeing any bleaching or any other signs of my corals not doing well. Im trying to get another PAR reading soon to see where I am now with the changes that i have made. Ive even thought about just trying to go down to using one of my lights or adding a diffuser. But I was just wanting to know a base point to shoot for to try and make changes. What are some suggestions or thoughts on this?
FishofHex on YouTube runs high par for his tanks with great coloration extension and growth. But I’m pretty sure he said he was running 400-500 par on his main colonies in his last video.
My sticks are like that, too. There’s one that Jin gave me that looks like it has two different types of polyps... night extension looks completely different. But they’re all growing, encrusting rocks and branching out.

All my LPS close up completely at night.