Pom Pom Crab


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I just wanted to share some news with you guys about my pom pom crab. Ive had this little guy about 5 days now and last night was bad. I saw him hanging upside down all curled up. I got up closer to look at him considering he's about the size of my thumbnail. Sure enough, theres a bristle worm crawled right up on him.

I didnt know I even had any bristle worms in this tank considering the rocks came out of a styrofoam container Ive had sitting out back for months and the sand I got had some life in it before the tank began cycling about a month ago. But, as the cycle went on all life ceased to exist and I saw several small inhabitants lying dead on the surface of the sand.

Ugh, well I was sure he was a goner. But, in some sort of last ditch effort to save him I decided he might not be completely dead yet because I could see him wiggling his pom poms we picked the rock he was on and proceeded to shake it hoping the bristle worm would let go or something. To my amazement, the pom pom crab jumped off the rock upset and took off running still clutching his dinner. Wait, the pom pom crab caught a bristle worm? Yep, he had two legs holding the worm on his underside and upon closer inspection was eating away at this thing. I was totally excited the crab wasnt dead, amazed he was eating a bristle worm, and so excited in general by this event I had to share with you guys.

Thanks for reading.
That is really cool. I have one in my tank and he's definitely my favorite invert. Stays hidden a lot, but when he comes out, he's so fun to watch. I'll be adding a couple more and some porcelain anemone crabs. They feed with these fan-like hands and are fun to watch also.

Hackman72;425972 wrote: I always like a story where the good guy wins.
Not if you're the bristle worm -- poor little guy!</em>
atreyu917;426080 wrote: Ugh bristleworms are disgusting. I cleaned out my works tank and took all the rock out and the bottom rocks were CRAWLING with them. Big 5 inchers too.

Looks like it's time for an army Pom Poms!

Yall could've sold em.
Usually when I have the money I can never find these little guys, now that I've read this I really would like to have at least one, now I have to remember to put the money away and begin weekly visits to the sponsors. This is real cool to know, wonder if it's unique or typical.

Although it can be fun to watch the bristle worms play peekaboo by coming out of the rock, noticing you and sliding back in.

brianjfinn;425971 wrote: That is really cool. I have one in my tank and he's definitely my favorite invert. Stays hidden a lot, but when he comes out, he's so fun to watch. I'll be adding a couple more and some porcelain anemone crabs. They feed with these fan-like hands and are fun to watch also.


Jenn sold me a bubble tip anemone and one of these guys, it's really cool to watch him. The only problem so far is that when I go to feed the anemone, the crab runs out of the anemone and grabs at my tweezers or hand trying his best to get the food and grab it first.
Yea... This little guy is incredibly cool. Im going to get another for the tank I think. I enjoy watching him 'cheer lead' for the tank. Im not sure I would put one in a larger tank because they are so small, but they are great sized for my 10 gallon.

So far:

1 small emerald crab
1 pom pom crab
5 tapestry snails
1 ninja star astrea snail (totally awesome)
15-20 nasarius snails
5 small margarita snails
2 sexy shrimp
2 baby percula clowns (thanks Shrimpy brains!)(picked up this evening)(born in September)
1 small red mushroom

Nothing in the tank is longer than 1/2"...
Those little guys sound so cute will they get along with seahorses? That is the only small tank that I have.
Here are a couple of pics of the sexy shrimp, pompom crab, and the two baby clown fish.

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Half inch PVC pipe in the picture above so that you can size reference him.

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The pompom crab is bigger than these fish are. They are about the length of my thumb nail.
Wow! Those clowns are tiny. Showing any signs of pairing? Wonder if it's just a survival instinct at that age
Yea, they havent left each others side since I put them in tonight. If that means anything or not, Im not sure.. They are still incredibly young.
whoops... should read 3/4" pipe. Late and tired. Its 3/4" pipe for the planned baby jawfish.
Smoothie;426330 wrote: Yeah one probably still has "coodies." Nice pics buddy!

Thanks... Its the girlfriends picture skills that got some good ones. Incredibly enough, she was still point and shoot on auto mode of her digital camera when she got all of these. Ill be sure to let her know you approve of the pictures. I know Im quite impressed.