Pony Update


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warloc4326 wrote: Looking to find out any updates on the horses. Would love to hear how that whole setup is treating you.

The tank again, is a 35 Oceanic Cube (is it a cube if height is different? :) )
Im still running the 4 gallon Aquafuge with skimmer built in powered with a MJ1200. Keep it clean and the bubbles do flow. Im also running the Prizm skimmer on it although Im not sure if I need it. Im figuring because of the over feeding it may be just a good thing to have...contemplating removing it and see what happens....

Heat hasnt been a problem...Im cheap, I keep thermostat in home at 68 and tank stays at a cool 72, it will spike to 75 if wife sneaks heat up some in the house :)

I have some yellow Polyps, xenia, Kenya tree and a thriving Gorgonian and they all seem to not mind the cooler waters at all....The Pistol shrimp I got is now as big as its wheeler goby...ITS HUGE!! The clown is doing well and the emerald crab is on steroids...

All in all the tank looks awesome, rock is coraline great and Im waiting for something ugly to happen... lol

The Ponies.....Well I started with three Kellogis, I was concerned because I didnt do my homework and everyone said they just wont last and who knows maybe they wont.

All THREE are doing great however, they are definately growing and getting fat from the feeding. I have not medicated, wormed or anything, I make sure my water is good and that they eat well. I target feed with baster, feeding clown first but he just kinda hangs with the ponies. They are also getting a red tint to their backs, Im not sure if this is normal or not, sorta like the color of coraline.

The tank evaporates about a gallon every 3 days, only have 50/50 compacts at 80w so no heat issue at all....Topping off with RO (learned lesson)

I almost forgot, I took about 10-15 gallons of water from my 54 I broke down, all the substrate is from my 54 and I had no cycle at all...no bloom.

The only thing I will add to this tank is a small UV for parasite issues before I get my Erectus or Reidis (if my Kellogis dont make it) and Ill probably get a chiller so I have no spikes in temp.

So...for the 3 weeks or so Ive had it set up Im very very happy with the results...

Sorry you asked Warloc? lol
nice update, would love to see some pics when you get around to it. I still have yet to get mine up and running... one huge obstacle is in the way at the moment so it's been an on going process. Might need to see about getting some of your handyman thoughts.
Russ...glad to hear things are going well....your kellogis will be fine.

just as a warning though....if there is any red algae in your tank (cyano or whatever) take a closer look at the ponies back to make sure that it is not red algae growing on his or her back. They are such slow movers that algae can even grow on them. That said, a slight red tint to the skin is normal from what I remember but it can be mistaken for red algae so just take a closer look to make sure it isn't algae.....if it is, i read that a very, very, very soft brush or even just putting the horse in front of a PH should do the trick. I had to use a brush when it happened to mine...but it never came back once I got it off....(i also started to clean the tank more often....(now you know why I got rid of them).
Jgoal55;136799 wrote: Russ...glad to hear things are going well....your kellogis will be fine.

just as a warning though....if there is any red algae in your tank (cyano or whatever) take a closer look at the ponies back to make sure that it is not red algae growing on his or her back. They are such slow movers that algae can even grow on them. That said, a slight red tint to the skin is normal from what I remember but it can be mistaken for red algae so just take a closer look to make sure it isn't algae.....if it is, i read that a very, very, very soft brush or even just putting the horse in front of a PH should do the trick. I had to use a brush when it happened to mine...but it never came back once I got it off....(i also started to clean the tank more often....(now you know why I got rid of them).

I have ZERO red algae or any type of algae in my tank so Im wonder what that reddish purple type tint on the back is...

Anyone have ideas

Been sick last couple days so I didnt get pics yet...
from what i understand they can develop certain colorations to their skin....usually reflecting their environment so if you have anything red, purple (coralline), orange it could just be the pony blending in.....if you have no alage I wouldn't worry about it but you may want to ask someone more knowledgeable....
Jgoal55;137027 wrote: from what i understand they can develop certain colorations to their skin....usually reflecting their environment so if you have anything red, purple (coralline), orange it could just be the pony blending in.....if you have no alage I wouldn't worry about it but you may want to ask someone more knowledgeable....

LOTS of puprle Coraline Algae on rocks
I would be willing to bet the red is either algae or cyanobacteria. If it's algae, then it's okay, since in the wild many seahorses allow algae to come along for the ride to help them camoflage better... but if it's cyano.... Danger, will robinson... danger...... You really dont want the cyano living on them for too many reasons to list, though I'm sure you can figure it out, lol.

If it's algae, some people like to clean them off, some like to let it go to various extents. I find that the two most sedentary seahorses I have sometimes get an algae growth... and a few times have had the cyano start to creep on them. It was recommened to me by the guys I learned the most from to go with the soft toothbrush route... find the softeft bristles you can possibly find, and VERY gently give em a rub. Just be gentle and it's okay...
I dont think Its cyano Len...I could be wrong but would I see it in other places????
Heres some pics...Got this sick body up just long enough to click a few shots...
I would love to start a horses tank... maybe after I get my main tank running right. They look awesome.
hard to tell with the light being blue. I see the red tint, but honestly, I'm not sure if it's algae or cyano. It definately is possible for cyano to be on the seahorse and not be too visible in the rest of the tank.
How are the ponies doing? Every thing still going good? Any advice to some one who is trying to start their own tank?
If the gorg is still opening, then it's probably just trying to blend in. Algae on the skeleton is the number one (proposed) reason gorgs die: the polyps don't open and they can't feed.