Porcelain Crab in Trouble


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Looks like my Red Head Elegant Pseudochromis finally decided the tank wasn't big enough for the both of them.

When the lights came on this morning I found the porcelain crab missing both claws and all the legs off its right side. They were in a neat pile about half an inch away from his home under a hairy mushroom.

I've been checking on him all day. He's still moving around a bit. Seemed to eat when I placed a food pellet right in front of him. But I've noticed the bristleworms have taken an interest in him. Usually not a good sign.

I know they are tough and able to regrow missing appendages in their next molt. He molted three weeks ago, and usually molts every 6 - 8 weeks. I don't know if they can repair that much damage in just one molt, or if his current stress will delay the molt or hasten it.

So far I plan to keep hand feeding him daily and remove the hermit crabs. I can't seperate him from the fish. In the past, the fish usually just gave him a few tail slaps before getting bored and moving along to pick on the nassarius snails when they emerge from the sand.

Any thoughts on his chances for a recovery?

I hate this aspect of the hobby worse than cleaning skimmer cups.
I really feel bad for the little guy.
Pseudochromis are beautiful but mean :(. I hope your crab pulls through... can they still eat without their front claws?
Thanks for the support, FI.

I'm assuming that he could eat since his jaws and moth parts looked intact, and he was able to position himself over the pellet.

Like most wounded animals, he has gone into hiding. I can't find him anywhere. Keeping my fingers crossed that he'll find enough to eat, molt, and be fine.

Yeah. Those pseudochromis are mean. Probably a chip on their shoulders because they aren't real chromis. That's my best guess....