Possible ich outbreak


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So..... I'm in the middle of a move and I also moved my and fish and rock from a 75 gallon that had been set up for a year to a 120 gallon. Within a few days I thought I started to notice white spots on my clowns. Now, a week later I know they have spots and have an atheist that seems to be struggling to breathe. That would indicate velvet to me more than ich. In any case, setting my quarantine tank up right now is not an option. The fish will have to stay in the display tank and ride it out. I know I can't put copper in the display tank, does anybody have any ideas outside of that?
A UV for ectoparasites is your best bet in a display tank, imo.

Some claim metronidazole soaked food (usually with prazipro to stimulate appetite) is reef safe, but there is debate on the issue.

So you have a UV?
I do have a 6x uv. Guess I'll hook that back up and see if it helps
UV is a good ich management tool for the display, but 6W UV might not be enough for a 75G FYI. I believe the rule of thumb is .5W per gallon for parasite management..
Actually, it's a 120 now. I stuck it on there just because it was all I had. I lost my anthias last week, but nobody else so far. My clowns have white spots all over one side, but are still eating fine and don't seem to be having issues.
Actually, it's a 120 now. I stuck it on there just because it was all I had. I lost my anthias last week, but nobody else so far. My clowns have white spots all over one side, but are still eating fine and don't seem to be having issues.
The tank is 120 now? Nice upgrade :)