Possible leak in tank


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For a few months now, I have noticed some salt accumulations on the bottom, right, front corner of my tank (140 gallon Oceanic). At first, I hoped it was just from some water that had splashed over when I was working in the tank. This morning, I noticed that the paint was beginning to chip off that corner of the stand. I looked underneath the stand, and don't see any sign of water there.

I am interested in what you all think my options are at this point.

Time to get that bigger tank we talked about. :D

I have seen tanks with salt creep coming up from the trim, it is a sign of a leak, but chances are it is slow and might not ever turn into a larger leak.

If it is a leak, then you need to reseal the silicone. And if it is in the bottom, that means draining the entire tank for a few days at the minimum.

Could it be leaking from under the top horizontal trim? Thats happened to me with about every tank I've ever had...
To re-seal don't you have to remove all the old stuff? I've read new silicon doesn't stick to cured silicon. If that's the case, I'd go with a new tank. It's a great excuse to upgrade!

Mine sprung a leak one time. I used a pond form from HD and a canister filter for the water, rock and fish / corals. I put the sand in a tote with water.

A quick way to minimize the time relocated. Get the tank ordered ASAP and the slow leak will maintain while the tank is in route. Then the transfer will be a snap. 4 Hrs. Instead of draging out over time with a big leak like mine and no tank on the way.
I feel your pain..I had a 120 gallon tank spring a leak at about 4am one time..Except mine was dumping about 4 gallons every 15 minutes LOL
Thanks folks. Couple of things:

1.Hooked on Salt, the tank is probably about 5 years old. I purchased it used.

2. What is the best way to determine where the leak is?

Thanks for the encouragement also.

Tim - why are you always trying to get your hands on my wallet?!?!
Cooper;313347 wrote: Tim - why are you always trying to get your hands on my wallet?!?!

Because I want to stay in business. :D

You want me to stay in business too, don't you? :sad:
It was meant as a compliment my friend. You are very good at what a business person should be good at!
Have you noticed if the silicon is separating from the glass? I bought a used Oceanic a few years ago and that was happening to mine. Not a good sign if it is. It's really hard to tell where the leak is unless you see the drip. On a slow leak like what you're describing, unless it's appearing there from somewhere under the tank, I'd guess it's where you're seeing the salt build up.
Cooper;313386 wrote: It was meant as a compliment my friend. You are very good at what a business person should be good at!

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. :)
