Possible source for DIY skimmer parts


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Saw it, thought I'd post it.
For that matter.....

The beginning of a mean martini shaker or new age bongo drum.

Sorry, I'm a free thinker
Dakota9;372326 wrote: For that matter.....

The beginning of a mean martini shaker or new age bongo drum.

Sorry, I'm a free thinker

I'm still working on my DIY Pimp Cup (tm) from an RO membrane housing. I have to pay royalties to DrNecropolis since it was his idea.
Yeah, the waste container connection would be good for a drinking tube if you made it baseball cap-mounted... though that isn't very pimp-like at all I guess.
Wow! An old skimmer housing complete with reactor chamber could be modded into a kick azz YeagerBomb glass....

Keeps the Yeager and Redbull seperate until a second before it hit your lips. Re3d bull would be cold, but the yeager would be frozen....
With the right recirc pump and cold enough ingredients you could pull of a frozen margarita theoretically. You'd probably need a metal needlewheel impeller to chop the ice, though.
The trick to a good frozen margarita (or any frozen drink that is) is to go at it sans ice and instead opt to freeze the mixer in small cubes, thereby not diluting the sweet sweet life giving fluids..... I'm mean ingredients.

I actually have a drink named after me on DrinkNation.com , it's called the Everhart

Highball Glass
1 part Crown Royal,
1 Part Amaretto Di Sorono
Fill with Coke (or Diet Coke as I prefer)
Repeat process

I loved being a bar manager, I miss that

Opps, there's that free thinking thing again....
I thought the trick to a good margarita was to use lime Jell-O and Jose Cuervo Silver? At least the girls seem to like to drink it that way...:thumbs:
Uh? That would be called a Jello Shot....</em>

Best drank very cold and from the navel of the drunkest woman sitting at the bar
cr500_af;372354 wrote: I'm still working on my DIY Pimp Cup (tm) from an RO membrane housing. I have to pay royalties to DrNecropolis since it was his idea.
I beg to differ
OH, sorry... I thought it was Ansley. Maybe he just voted for it.
My humblest apologies, good sir, and if I ever see any revenue you shall certainly receive the proceeds you so richly deserve. :thumbs:
How bout just a mix tape of you rockin out in your avatar pic? That is an awesome picture by the way. How's the tank coming along?
Smoothie;372430 wrote: How bout just a mix tape of you rockin out in your avatar pic? That is an awesome picture by the way. How's the tank coming along?

My tank is OK... almost have the dino starved out at long last. I just picked up a 30g cube for Sandie a couple of nights ago (thanks to Ansley), and have been cleaning/plumbing etc on that. Should have that all finished tomorrow night and have it full and cycling. I'm excited for her; it's a really cool little tank. She has full authority on this one, so she's making all the decisions about the setup and livestock. I'm ordering her an RKL for it, but unless she reads this she doesn't know it. Kind of a tankwarming gift (as if the tank weren't enough).
Good man. And you tricked her into enjoying the hobby. You may have to change your name to Guru after that move
Smoothie;372440 wrote: Good man. And you tricked her into enjoying the hobby. You may have to change your name to Guru after that move

Heck, it was her idea to upsize the main tank (which I'm happy to say she now refers to as "my" tank)... only now that's on hold while hers gets built. The only thing that worries me is that if she thinks of them as mine and hers, there may be a little bit of "keeping up with the Jones' " in our future. If I get a new coral, she gets a new coral and so on. That could get expensive. Maybe I should just get one RKL for me so I don't breed any bad habits. I could give her a hand-me-down timer or something. :D

Now I gotta let the bank account recover from this one and start watching the ads for bigger tanks again.