Potential Pest ID


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Commerce, GA
Hi, I'm Ashlie and I'm new to both saltwater and the forums. I wasn't 100% sure where to post this question but I hope this is the place. I recently obtained a frag of zoas and I'm afraid I picked up a tiny Aiptasia with it. I can't be certain because it's absolutely tiny but I was hoping some of you might have enough experience with them to ID it even though it's so small. Assuming it -is- Aiptasia, I'm guessing I should just break that part of the rock off the frag and hope for the best? If there is a better way please advise :) Thanks for your time!20190412_145134[1].jpg20190413_185403[1].jpg
Yes aptasia for sure. Welcome to arc.

Take it out of the water and remove the plug. The aptasia is connected to the rock most likely in the oil space there. Remove a chunk of the rock where it's at.
I took the rubble off the plug, broke off a small section and then placed back on my rack. Within about 15 minutes the Aiptasia had crept back out. I removed it again and broke off a much larger section and scrubbed the broken area. No signs of a repeat performance so hopefully I got it. I'd really hate to have those all over my tank.

Thanks again for the quick response!
A situation like this really calls for some RedSea AptasiaX. Great stuff. You could make kalkwasser paste but I always use the AptatiaX when I'm engaging the enemy in close proximity to things I want to keep.
I'm sad to say that you're probably right about AptasiaX since I woke up this morning only to discover that I hadn't got rid of it at all. It decided to try to hide by cramming itself directly under the polyps on the other side. I don't want to try breaking off any more rubble since it's directly under the polyps now and has already begun stinging one apparently. I'll have to call my LFS (about 40 min from me) and hope they have some AptasiaX there. If not, can I try Gorilla glue? Seems like I read somewhere that glue can sometimes be effective with Aptasia as well.
Welcome! And I use Aptasia X as well for situations with those and for keeping other corals in check in my tanks. It gives you enough control to not get it on other corals in close proximity if you turn off all powerheads. I know Amazon has it but not sure if they have it under Prime or not for quick delivery. :)
Any sort of straight crazy glue (cyanoacrylate) would work to cover over them when they pull back in to a hole. BUT you're left with a little dab of crazy glue and Aptasia X works really well and pretty much all local fish stores stock it. You could also cover it with a small piece of epoxy but, well, Aptasia X. Apatasia isn't a real cause for concern in my experience. They can absolutely get out of control but I kill a few a year in the different systems I have and it's not the big of a deal. I think I buy a small borle of AptasiaX every other year but that's only because I sometimes hit nuisance zoas with the stuff too.
I got some Aptasia Away. It was the only thing they had at the LFS. They told me it would work best if I could get it right in the Aptasia's mouth. I turned off the pumps and did my best to hit it directly without dusting any polyps in the process. So far it looks like the initial polyp that got stung is the only one who won't open. Fingers crossed, I haven't seen it pop back out yet. I'll just have to keep a close eye on it.

@jcook54 Thanks for clarifying on the glue. I knew there were some that were safe but had no idea which ones.

@Mom2Many Thank you for the welcome. Whatever you do in your tanks, they're amazing :)
That's similar stuff. A lot of folks used to use a kalkwasser paste but that can change water chemistry if it's not all removed after use and I've found that getting kalwasser on anything I want to keep isn't good. Most of the other aptasia products are a little more gentle on the surrounding critters. Not great for them but not as bad as kalk paste.
I also picked up a couple of frags that had aptasia as well. I tried to glue them shut, but they came right back. I ended up buying a peppermint shrimp ($10.00) and he found and ate them both the night I put him in the tank. They are not totally dependent for aptasia for their diet. I have 3 other types of shrimp in my tank and all of them get along as they have found their safe place.
A good peppermint shrimp will take care of that too. I had a half dozen and decided to try the shrimp before aptasia x . All were gone in 24hrs and haven't seen one in 2 weeks . This is just another option if adding a shrimp is a possibility . Plus they will take care of any further ones you bring home .
@Eric_n_Ga and @jessie45 - I may end up having to swap out my Fire Shrimp for a Peppermint. Everything I read about fire's said they were shy and docile. NOT mine. He's like an angry bulldozer. He steals food from everything, fights my snail, and chases my cleaner shrimp away from everything he has deemed his territory (2/3 the tank). Everyone I've mentioned this to is shocked but I have one -bossy- fire shrimp, heh. When he's not bossing he isn't even cleaning so a Peppermint might definitely be the way to go. Thanks to both of you for sharing your experience with them.

@Mom2Many Just giving credit where it's clearly due. I posted a couple pics of my nearly bare tank in the nano reef forum. Hopefully one day I can manage to safely cram enough corals in there to look like one of yours!