Potential Tank Problem


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Hello Everyone. I have a problem that I hope someone may be able to shed some light on. I have a 120g tank with a 30g sump. I use a filter sock and protein skimmer. About 3 weeks ago I started having some red cyano show up on the sand bed. It kept getting worse so I treated the tank with Chemi Clean. It helped somewhat but did not completely rid the sand bed. I did a water change after the treatment of a 30g one day and 15g the next. I used Instant Ocean mix. This was completed about a 7 days ago. I also done a complete washing of the filter sock, the sponges in the sump, and vacuumed the sand bed as I changed the water. The red Cyano seems to be under control now. Although still present on the sand bed, it has not grown and appears to actually be shrinking. My problem is this---after the treatment and water change, some of my corals are not looking good. The fish are doing better than ever. The snails and crabs are fine. My finger leather is doing well. Xenia is doing well. However, every colony of polyps (assorted) in the tank only open for a short while during the day if at all. The hammer coral and frogspawn stay "shriveled" for a better word for the better part of the day. Trumpet corals seem fine. I am worried because I have lots of hammer, frogspawn, and polyps and they all seem to be going downhill. I just tested my water as follows: CA 320; Nitrates 15; KH:9; Temp: 79; Phospates: 0; Nitrites: 0; Ammonia: 0; I have 2 250w MH bulbs (12K & 15K). Any suggestions?
Other than your Ca being a lil low your parameters are almost spot on. I imagine they're just a lil stressed from all the changes as a result of cleaning your tank out and dosing with chemiclean. All the corals listed that you're concerned with though are well known for their resiliency, so I imagine that they will be just fine given some tlc. Keep your parameters up and do a few water changes if things don't improve. That's all I can think of... and if it was me that's all I would do. :)