Powder blue vs magnificent foxface

wantsummora acropora

Well-Known Member
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Hey all,
I recently purchased a sick powder blue tang due to great price. He is doing great. Had him for about 3 weeks now. I now want to add a M. Fox face. I also have a Kole tang and a yellow tang, both of which are only slightly aggressive. I guess my question is, is there a successful way to introduce the MF that will minimize the powder blue’s aggression? Has anyone done it?
I would use an acclimation box. It will give them time to get used to seeing each other and give you the opportunity to see if another fish will turn into an AH, which is likely to happen initially. You can watch the interactions and give you the info needed to make the best decision. I like a large enough box to put a piece of PVC in there so the fish has a cave and enough room to turn around.

In my last system I got a purple tang from a members existing system with no new additions to his tank in a few years. After QT'ing the fish anyway, within a half day of putting the purple in the acclimation box it was getting covered in Ich. This is why it's always good to have some General Cure or Metro on hand along with Focus.

I hope it all goes well for you!
In my experience powder blues are very aggressive so even using an acclimation box, be prepared to removed the new fish once you release him into the tank.
In my experience powder blues are very aggressive so even using an acclimation box, be prepared to removed the new fish once you release him into the tank.
Funny thing D. The little one I got from you was a (choice of words no suitable here). After chasing a Kole & Tomini out of the trough I ok, wanna be a bad ass? Let see how you like this and threw it in with the big boys.

Now I got another one that's a good bit bigger. It's in the 60 with a Mimic and it's a model citizen. Wishing I hadn't put the litte one in the display now.
Funny thing D. The little one I got from you was a (choice of words no suitable here). After chasing a Kole & Tomini out of the trough I ok, wanna be a bad ass? Let see how you like this and threw it in with the big boys.

Now I got another one that's a good bit bigger. It's in the 60 with a Mimic and it's a model citizen. Wishing I hadn't put the litte one in the display now.
Is the little one holding up in the big tank?

Normally as long as their the last fish they do ok.
some articles I’ve read suggested that they be the last fish. I had planned for a MF and two fairy Wrasses but i guess that’s out the door now. I had at least hoped that since the powder blue would know that the MF is venomous that it would exercise a bit of caution. Plus, I don’t know what the “settling in” period is. Is 3-4 weeks after the PB tang ok or is it a done deal? IMO he looks like he’s “comfortable”.