Power heads


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Dacula, GA
When we decided to get back into saltwater fish keeping we had ZERO idea wth we were Gerri g ourselves into. So much had changed in 30 years. SO MUCH! It doesn’t feel like we got “back in”, feels more like we got caught up in a tornado and ain’t in Kansas anymore.
So, we joined ARC and met a ton of amazing people. We did everything we were told except not with the basic understanding of the “why”. As you can imagine it’s kinda been a really winding yellow brick road and I’m relatively certain we have t made it to Oz yet.
We purchased big ticket equipment we wish we weren’t stuck with now. We don’t have the cash flow or credit to just buy new stuff.
Currently have two different gyre type wave makers by Jebao that were supposed to be the same but aren’t so are difficult to program to work together. Have Noopsyche lights. Don’t love them, don’t hate them - but mostly because I have absolutely no frame of reference between them and anything else. I’m feeling quite sure my sump is set up wrong though I did watch 100 videos on that too.
Give me some ideas please. Favorite lighting? Favorite powerhead/flow system? And the substrate....has I known then what I know not....I would’ve done things A LOT differently.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ve all had the thought of “I should’ve done that differently” but those are thoughts for the next build or the next tank update. My advice is to not get too caught up in it that you can’t enjoy what you have unless it becomes a problem. If you don’t like the equipment, put them up for sale. But if you can’t then so what if the powerheads aren’t in sync or you don’t love the lights. Try them out and enjoy what’s living in there and upgrade when you can. Just my 2 cents cause this is a hobby we’re suppose to enjoy at the end of the day.

But what do you think is wrong with the sump? If it’s something that affects the system then we can look into it.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ve all had the thought of “I should’ve done that differently” but those are thoughts for the next build or the next tank update
. My advice is to not get too caught up in it that you can’t enjoy what you have unless it becomes a problem. If you don’t like the equipment, put them up for sale. But if you can’t then so what if the powerheads aren’t in sync or you don’t love the lights. Try them out and enjoy what’s living in there and upgrade when you can. Just my 2 cents cause this is a hobby we’re suppose to enjoy at the end of the day.

But what do you think is wrong with the sump? If it’s something that affects the system then we can look into it.
Thanks. As far as the sump goes, it is a Trigger Systems Sapphire CR44. There’s nothing wrong with it but I have it like this:

Main drain/socks—>skimmer/UV intake—>refugium—>small baffle section/Uv return—>return pump
A few people have told me my refugium and Macroalgae should be right next to drain input THEN refugium then skimmer. I’m willing to do the work to switch it up if it’s wrong. I also just get perplexed at why everything will look absolutely azazing on day and not happy the next when I haven’t done anything different.
My thoughts on a flow process is first into a refugium as a place to allow uneaten food, plankton, pods, etc., to accumulate & be mostly consumed, or at least broken down & then on to being skimmed before being returned. Reactors may be added during the later stage(s), if desired. Just my $0.02
As for the Noopsyches, I bought them also, as Dana Riddle’s evaluations were quite favorable. When compared to higher end lights the numbers were pleasantly surprising.

I’ll likely move toward Orphek’s at some point. Probably beginning with the frag tank, but that’s down the road a bit.
My thoughts on a flow process is first into a refugium as a place to allow uneaten food, plankton, pods, etc., to accumulate & be mostly consumed, or at least broken down & then on to being skimmed before being returned. Reactors may be added during the later stage(s), if desired. Just my $0.02
So tell me if I’m understanding: water drained from tank straight into refugium (no socks/filters/etc) then flows into next section which holds skimmer then through bubble reducing baffle into return pump section?

Forgive me. Had major surgery I think on Thursday but drugged and not functioning well right now.
A few people have told me my refugium and Macroalgae should be right next to drain input THEN refugium then skimmer. I’m willing to do the work to switch it up if it’s wrong. I also just get perplexed at why everything will look absolutely azazing on day and not happy the next when I haven’t done anything different.

it’ll be like that sometimes with the tank having it’s good bad days until it matures and things stabilize. I have my sump like yours with skimmer-refugium-return. My thought on why I did this is to take whatever is undissolved with the skimmer and the. let the refugium take up what has dissolved. Plus I feel like more detritus settles in my refugium if I have it first. But like ichthyoid, everyone has their own thought.
@silentdeath5 I just found out you live really close to me. You should come by some time me
Yeah, you’re not far. I picked up that bucket of salt from you that one time. My church is right there so I come by often enough if you ever need help with the tank. No expert here but I’ve done my share of mistakes and learned lol