Powerhead Cleaning....


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How long after you soak a powerhead in vinegar, how long should I wait to put it back in my tank? Should I run it in water before putting it back in my tank?
I'ld just rinse it off well and throw it back in. Then again ive never done a vinegar bath.
I take out the ceramic rod on all my pumps and soak them in a 50/50 vinegar and water solution. I then just rinse them off and put them back in.
After a quick rinse, you'll be fine. Vinegar is only 5% acetic acid anyway. In addition, acetic acid is a weak acid so a few drops remaining will have a negligible, if any, effect on the pH of your system.
how often do you have to clean these babies. I have mine constantly on a wavemaster pro so they aare turning on and off also how often to clean the summp and chiller pump?
Well it worked great! There is so much more flow in the tank now, thanks!!:yay:
Maroons15 wrote: how often do you have to clean these babies. I have mine constantly on a wavemaster pro so they aare turning on and off also how often to clean the summp and chiller pump?

Most people clean there powerhead quaterly some do it monthly. As for the skimmer and sump pumps, clean the skimmer pump every 1 to 4 months and the sump pump every 6 months to 1 year.
thanks showtime you always answer my questions. BUT i have another for you. How often should i siphon out my sump?