Prazipro help

wantsummora acropora

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I have a coral beauty that pooped white, stringy poop. I am given an appropriate dose of Prazipro. Directions say to turn off your carbon reactor, skimmer and UV but it does not say for how long. Any Ideas? Comments on white stringy poop ( it was really scary to see. It was a lot!). He has not eaten in several days and his color is fading. He hides all the time now and I have to force him into the open so I can see his condition.
Have you already started prazi? If not, I highly suggest to use Metro instead. I've had better luck with metro on internal parasites and keep prazi for external flukes. Also, I highly recommend to move him into a hospital tank to treat him if you can.
Yeah, I've already started the Prazi with one treatment. I currently have 2 tangs in the hospital tank but have another I will quickly set up. Thanks
Any idea when I can start my UV, skimmer and carbon? I used the Prazi about a week ago.
If you’re trying to remove it from your water column, then you start the skimmer and carbon, but my understanding is you typically do a second round of prazi 7 days after the initial dose to cover any new hatched flukes/worms.
ok. I'll go ahead and do the 2nd round but just to be clear, I should keep my skimmer, carbon and UV off until a week after the 2nd dose?
Have you already started prazi? If not, I highly suggest to use Metro instead. I've had better luck with metro on internal parasites and keep prazi for external flukes. Also, I highly recommend to move him into a hospital tank to treat him if you can.
+1 on this and if he’s not eating follow the directions for treating the water, not food soaking. They won’t get it if they aren’t eating but it is also absorbed through the gills
Yes, if you turn them on. It will pull the medication out of the water and defeat the purpose of the dose. How is the fish doing this morning?
He stays hidden. I force him out to check his condition. He doesnt seem to be losing weigh so far but his color is fading on both sides. 2nd qt is up to temp this morning. I’m going to transfer him soonpppppp
Well, the coral beauty doesn't look like he will make it through to the morning. This is what he looks like. Can anyone tell me what this is? I thought it might be damage from me moving the rock to catch him but his color was fading in these areas over the last 3 days. even if he doesn't make it any info will be helpful for future reference. I really feel bad. It was a stunning specimen when I bought it. It came into my tank, ate what little green algae that was on the back wall but would never eat anything else. I tried mysis, veggie pellets, flakes, brine shrimp and seafood pellets.
Well, the coral beauty doesn't look like he will make it through to the morning. This is what he looks like. Can anyone tell me what this is? I thought it might be damage from me moving the rock to catch him but his color was fading in these areas over the last 3 days. even if he doesn't make it any info will be helpful for future reference. I really feel bad. It was a stunning specimen when I bought it. It came into my tank, ate what little green algae that was on the back wall but would never eat anything else. I tried mysis, veggie pellets, flakes, brine shrimp and seafood pellets.
I’m sorry
He stays hidden. I force him out to check his condition. He doesnt seem to be losing weigh so far but his color is fading on both sides. 2nd qt is up to temp this morning. I’m going to transfer him soonpppppp
One piece of advice I live by - when you're buying fish try to see if they're eating before you purchase. I understand that's not always possible when you order online, but it helps eliminate issues like these.
So far I bought all my fish from Premeire Aquatics and they were eating. They have a mix they put together themselves but I think it’s mainly mysis.