Predator Needed


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Help! I have an established reef tank with no algae problems...except for one.
Pink-colored, looks like balls of cotton.

The best I can tell, it is ;
Bonnemaisonia Hamifera
or Spermothamnion Repens

Nitrates and Phosphates are at zero due to Elos Filtra-M (Zeolite).

This stuff won't DIE. Web search reveals no known natural predators. Any ideas, or experience on eliminating this stuff would be greatly appreciated!
It's red cotton ball algae....heard mexican turbos can help but not 100% on that.
NotiReef;352274 wrote: It's red cotton ball algae....heard mexican turbos can help but not 100% on that.

2nd that, I have heard similar but not positive of it."></a>

also heard globe urchins might help....good luck.
Yep Thats it! T, we will have to try the Turbo snails see if they work mate!
I have a blob or two of this stuff on one of my corals. I also have about 5 or 6 Mexican turbos. They never seem to have much interest in it at all!
Best way to handle it is to siphon it out. I have very lazy turbos....they wont touch nuisance algae.
Asparagopsis is the species and the only snail that will eat is the Turbo fluctuosa.

Here is a link