Premier Aquatics - Some of our Saltwater Stock!!! (4/23/2016)


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We have some amazing fish in-stock! Here is just a small list of what we have available right now...

- TONS of new coral Frags and Colonies! A lot of which are from some really well known coral farms =)

- TONS of new designer clown fish from Sea and Reef! Have just about everything the list on the website!"></a>[B]

<span style="font-size: 14px;">Fish...

<u><font size="3" data-gcupd="font-3"><!-- gcu-updated --><font size="2" data-gcupd="font-2"><!-- gcu-updated -->Tangs</span>

</font><!-- gcu-updated SIZE --></u><span style="font-size: 13px;">- <font size="2" data-gcupd="font-2"><!-- gcu-updated -->Yellow Tang (Multiple Sizes)
- Blue Regal Tang (Multiple Sizes)
- Powder Brown Tang
- Powder Blue Tang
<span style="color: Blue;">- Whitetail Kole Tang!</span>
- Clown Tang
- Naso Tang (Blonde and Regular)
- Lavender Tang
- Sailfin Tang (Show Size!)
<span style="color: Blue;">- Juv. Chevon Tang!</span> (Been with us for well over a month! Eating everything!)
- Chocolate Mimic Tang

</span></font><!-- gcu-updated SIZE --></font><!-- gcu-updated SIZE -->
- <span style="color: Blue;">Multibar Angel
[COLOR=Black]- Flame Angel
- Lemon Peel Angel
- Fisher's Angel
- Watanabe Female Angel
- Potters Angel
- Rusty Angel
- BiColor Angel


- Red Pygmy Possum Wrasse
- Rhomboid Wrasse
- 6Line Wrasse
- Carpenters Fairy Wrasse
- Green Coris Wrasse
- XLG Dragon Wrasse (SHOW SIZE!)
- Burgundy Flasher Wrasse
- Flame Wrasse Male
- Secretive Wrasse.


- [COLOR=Blue]Gumdrop Coral Croucher
[COLOR=Black]-</span> Birenbaum Cuttlefish[/COLOR] (Eating EVERYTHING! Including Pellets and Frozen! Tank Raised!)
- Harlequin Tusk
- Golden Midas Blenny
- Aiptasia Eating Filefish Small
- <span style="color: Blue;">Helfrichi Firefish</span>
- Royal Grammas LG
- Orange Spot Rabbitfish
- Black Triggers
- Polleni Grouper
- Miniatus Grouper
- <span style="color: Blue;">Masuda Hogfish
[COLOR=Black]- Zebra Flouder
- California Yellow Stingrays
- Bandit Sharks
-[COLOR=Blue] Red Banded Pipefish!
[COLOR=Black]- Red Linkia Starfish
- Dalmatian Linkia Starfish</span>
<span style="color: Black;">- Fuzzy Dwarf Liongfish</span>[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

Offerings from the "Other Side" =)[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]

<u>[B]Wild Fish!!!

[/B]</u>[B]- F1 XLG Ventralis[/B] [I](Ophthalmotilapia ventralis)
[B]- [/B]</em>[B]F1 XLG Black Calvus[/B] (Altolamprologus calvus)
[B]- F1 LG Daffodil[/B] [I](Neolamprologus pulcher) - </em><span style="color: #0000ff;">Showing AMAZING color!</span>
[B]- F1 LG Multifaciatus[/B] (Neolamprologus [I]Multifactius)
</em>[B]- F1 SM 6-Stripe Frontosa [/B][I](6-Stripe Frontosa)</em>[B]
- F1 SM 7-Stripe Frontosa [/B][I](Cyphotilapia frontosa)
African Cichlids[/B]</u>
- [B]XLG Taiwan Reef[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">BEAUTIFUL COLOR!</span>
- [B]LG Eureka Peacock Pairs[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">BEAUTIFUL COLOR!</span>
- [B]XLG Leucistic Taiwan Reef [/B]- <span style="color: #0000ff;">Rare color form!
</span>-[B] Rusty Cichlids[/B] -<span style="color: #0000ff;"> Showing amazing color. Almost purple!
<u>[B]Amazing FULL COLOR Rainbows![/B]</u>

[B]- Albino Millennium Rainbows[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">These looks phenomenal, amazing color! </span>
[B]- Goyder River Rainbows
- Madagascar Rainbows[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">Males showing BEAUTIFUL colors!</span>
[B]- Emerald Rainbows
- Eight-Line Rainbows

- Rummynose Tetra[/B]
[B]- Neon Tetra
- Cardinal Tetra
- Black Phantom Tetra
- Orange Von Rio Flame Tetra
- Greenfire Tetra
- Green Neon Tetr[/B]a - <span style="color: #0000ff;">Perfect for nano tanks!</span>
[B]- Harlequin Rasbora[/B]
[B]- Espei Rasbora[/B] -<span style="color: #0000ff;"> Perfect for nano tanks!</span>
[B]- Chili Rasbora[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">Perfect for nano tanks!</span>
[B]- Celestia Pearl Danio (CPDs)[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">Perfect for nano tanks!</span>
[B]- White Cloud Minnows
- Gold White Cloud Minnows[/B]

[/B]</u>[B]- Cherry Red Dwarf Shrimp[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">Good Size!</span>
[B]- Amano Shrimp[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">Amazing algae eaters!</span>
[B]- Yellow Rili Dwarf Shrimp
- Blue Velvet Dwarf Shrimp
- Pinocchio Dwarf Shrimp
- Dwarf Orange Mexican Lobster [/B][I](Cambarellus patzcuarensis) -</em><span style="color: #0000ff;"> Can be kept with dwarf shrimp!</span>
[B]- Dwarf Blue Lobster[/B] [I](Cambarellus Shufel) -</em> <span style="color: #0000ff;">Can be kept with dwarf shrimp!</span>


</u>- Plakat Koi Bettas
- Hillstrean Loaches
- Bumble Bee Gobies
- Dwarf BB Puffers
- Geophagus Brasiliensis
- Geophagus Jurupari
- XLG Roseline Sharks[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">AMAZING COLOR AND SIZE</span>
[B]- Sparkling Gourami [/B]- <span style="color: #0000ff;">Perfect for nano tanks!</span>
[B]- Red Festae Terror[/B] - <span style="color: #0000ff;">True Festaes!
</span>[B]- Checkerboard Cichlids!
- Peacock Gundeons

[B]and MUCH MUCH MORE!!![/B]

Don't forget about all our amazing TROPICA plants we have in-stock! The full list of plants avalible from Tropica can be found at the link below...


If you have any questions at all about the fish above or pricing on anything please PM me on here or call the store at (770) 321-8404
[B]<span style="color: Blue;">[COLOR=Black]
Teaser shots of some of the coral we have in-stock =)

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aXio;1081980 wrote:
<span style="color: Black">-</span> Birenbaum Cuttlefish[/COLOR] (Eating EVERYTHING! Including Pellets and Frozen! Tank Raised!)

are these the sepia bandensis or the metasepia pfefferii?
i know she worked with and (i think) offered pfefferii in the past but i've never seen them available to the public.
Picoreefguy;1082110 wrote: are these the sepia bandensis or the metasepia pfefferii?
i know she worked with and (i think) offered pfefferii in the past but i've never seen them available to the public.

Sorry for the confusion. They are the Sepia bandensis from Reef Gen. We have yet to see any Metasepia pfefferii available that are tank raised. We can get them, but they come in wild caught at an unknown age and usually won't touch anything but live foods.
aXio;1082112 wrote: Sorry for the confusion. They are the Sepia bandensis. We have yet to see any Metasepia pfefferii available that are tank raised. We can get them, but they come in wild caught at an unknown age and usually won't touch anything but live foods.

yea id love to have a pfefferii but given the intense care and extremely short lifespans and unknown age of a wild caught specimen id hate to risk it. i know laura birenbaum was trading their eggs to other public aquuariums in an attempt to make their captive presence more wide spread but i dont know what ever came of that. its a shame they're so hard to care for, they're one of the most beautiful creatures ive ever seen.
Picoreefguy;1082117 wrote: yea id love to have a pfefferii but given the intense care and extremely short lifespans and unknown age of a wild caught specimen id hate to risk it. i know laura birenbaum was trading their eggs to other public aquuariums in an attempt to make their captive presence more wide spread but i dont know what ever came of that. its a shame they're so hard to care for, they're one of the most beautiful creatures ive ever seen.

Agreed. Last time we had one in-stock my crew was beyond distracted by it. I would come out of the back to 3-4 of my employees crowded around the tank =) A truly awe-inspiring animal.
Firethorn77;1082136 wrote: Would have liked some of the green neons but only saw one. No big deal though. Still working on my daughter's spec V.

I think some one picked up the whole group and we accidentally missed one. Let me know when you are ready and I will gladly make sure to hold some as soon as we can get them in-stock again. I've been eagerly waiting for a fresh batch of Ember Tetra for my new nano tank. =)