Preparing for Corals


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Okay, so I now have snails, crabs and my two clowns. I want to start preparing for corals. Things I'm interested in having in the next few months are a pulsating xenia, some zoas, and something with tentacles (frog, hammer, plate, torch, etc). I'm limited in space so need to plan well...don't want one coral killing another.

I know there's no guarantees, but it would be nice if my clowns would 'host' in something.

Anyway, can someone give me suggestions on how to prepare? A few general questions:
1. When can I add them? Should I wait a while?
2. What are the environmental conditions, beyond the general tests I'm doing for my fish, needed for corals?
3. What additional additives do I need to supplement the tank with?
4. What do I need to do from a hardware I need any new equipment? I currently have an Aquapod 24g, 150w HQI with an MJ900 pump (only one).

Of course, any other info is appreciated!
You can add them as soon as your tank is done cycling. Just make sure you have adequete flow and lighting. I would also wait until my ph, Calcium and Alk are all in acceptable parameters.

Lots of testing. Calcium, alk, mag, ph are the big ones. Iodine for some as well.

Supplements fall into a rather large category. Easiest thing to do is frequent water changes followed by Seachem ReefComplete. Virtually impossible to overdose and will keep your calcium levels in the right range. You can also use kalkwasser in your top off which works well for many.

Good skimmer and more flow. You will also need to replace your bulbs more frequently.
Sorry, should have been specific. Blue leg hermits. The only other invert i'm interested in is a shrimp (maybe a pistol so I can put him with a goby or a cleaner).
Some of the corals you mentioned (frog, hammer, etc.) can be quite vicious. They can send out sweaper tentacles at night that can extend a few inches beyond the coral and will sting whatever they come in contact with.

I would look into dosing kalk (as cam said) and you can get a decent Kent Aqua-doser (sam at aquabuys probably has some for sale) to help you do that.

What type of skimmer do you have now and what is your water change regiment like?

Also, look into adding a tunze 6025 (andy at MRC has them) to increase your flow.
No skimmer yet. I had read mixed reviews on whether it was worth using on a nano. But I think I'll probably end up getting one as long as it doesn't make the tank look cluttered.

So far, water changes of 10% weekly. But that's been for the past two weeks or so since the tank is relatively new.

Yeah, I know things with tentacles can attack, I plan to keep it far away from other things. But I assume that applies to snails and hermit crabs as well?
Get a skimmer before the corals...

Your tank is going to be a mini of my 55 gal LPS/Softie tank. Taking care of LPS and Softies is pretty darn easy. You really do not NEED to dose much. A bit of CA, a bit of Alk, and some reef plus and trace is about it. GARF has a suppliment schedule that works pretty well for LPS and Softie tanks. I will try to find a link for you.

If you want to stop by and take a few cutting home with ya, I think I got xenia and other softies to spare. Try them out before you buy from a store.
I think this is the GARF link: