prestone driveway heat?


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Is that the stuff that you can use to make calcium supp with? It's totally slipped my mind.
Best I remember the driveway heat is MG. Dowfake is a calcium. YOu can also go to Leslies Pool and get this."></a>

I've used this for years as have others I know for calcium supplementation with no issues. It's pretty pure calcium chloride.
alright I found the article that had it in there, good ole RHF coming thu again.

Dangit Lee you just beat me. The prestone driveway heat is for the calcium (calcium chloride) additive. Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulphate) and Mag flake (Magnesium Chloride) are for Magnesium.

lol, yeah rob I remember you showed me that at your house when i was over there and for the life of me couldnt remember if that was it or not. My bud is starting to supp his tank and I wanted to make sure I told him to get the right stuff, lol. Thanks for the reply tho :) BTW, the anemone is doing amazing! He moved a lil bit maybe 5" to the side from where I had put him, but loves the tank. I'll snap some pics once the camera is all charged up.
That's great, needless to say I was really pissed at myself for tearing the foot. All the corals are doing great. The stary night is starting to encrust. Stupid urchins have broken both of the purple tipped digita's.

The color in the tank just isn't the same without my anemone's. :(

yeah man you were pretty upset, but its all good, it wasnt fazed by it at all! It is gettin big! I finally put an actinic light on the tank and WOW does that thing glow! Good to hear about the starynight, I love that coral and best part, it grows really fast! Give that thing light and flow and it'll take off. Yeah unfortunately with the digis they are fragile, but they grow quick as well with high light and flow. One of mine encrusted this tonga branch and now has about 15 new grotwh spikes!"></a>

here is a similar topic
thanks Alan, I was trying to find that exact thread but failed, lol.
Thanks Roland, fortunately I knew where it was and sent my bud to get get it, just couldnt remember if that was it. Appreciate it :)
awwww it still has the lil crab in it!!!! that guy is sooo cute! David youre going to love this thing, I cant stop staring at mine they are sooo interesting to watch.
It is amazing how much light that they reflect. It seems that my tank is much whiter now that the carpets are gone. The color of the tank is completely different.

On a side note my first copperbanded bit the bullet. Stupid thing wouldn't eat anything, no aptasias, no feathers, no prepared food. It lasted about 2 weeks. I guess I will be out this weekend looking for another one.

oh man, sorry to hear that Rob...hope you find a pig for your next one.
Big D wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Lee, don't mean to steal your post but since you guys brought up the carpet, Rob, look whose getting used to my corner tank, worked out a trade with Mark. Man he's big!!! :thumbs: </span>

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<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">David</span>

That's cool you picked it up, any reason Mark was itching to get rid of it?
He only had it 2 weeks.

Yeah when I got the crab it just said porcein crab and I didn't realize they were also called anemone crabs. So, I just let him stay on there. When we were moving the big anemone out both clowns just stayed in the throat of the anemone while all the commotion was going on. Then right as I pulled the anemone out the female shot out. After a while we waited till the male came out and I put him back in the tank.
