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Prime or Alpha products...Are these products only be use for new tanks set-ups or water changes? I guess I'm wondering would I ever use these products since I have an RO/DI unit for water? Which is free of impurities... I guess I'm wondering can I use this product if I have spikes in Ammonia &/or nitrates
If you're using an RODI for water and you're keeping clean (aquarium use only) containers, then you shouldn't have a need for Prime (don't' know what Alpha is)

some people will use Prime and Tapwater when they first startup a new tank... (since the tank will cycle for 4-6 weeks before they do anything to it)
Alpha is the "Prime" of the Aquavitro line that is fairly new I beleive. I always keep some on hand for emergencies...I wouldnt suggest it as an alternative to water changes or anything like that but everyone should have a bottle just in case.

Other people use it for rinsing filter socks after a bleach wash
or rinsing used sand with it after bleach.
Gary is right. Alpha is the AquaVitro reef-specific dechlorinator.

I also agree it's good to have on hand for a variety of situations, including emergency water changes (if you don't have any/enough RO on hand), emergency ammonia spikes, and it's handy for dechlorination of filter socks, decorations, decapsulating brine eggs, and a myriad of other issues.

Stability is their product to stimulate the denitrification cycle (ie- a new tank)
Thanks for everyone's post!

Even when one uses RO water, it is still a great idea to have either Prime or Alpha on hand. They can be used to detoxify ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate in order keep fish safe in an unexpected spike. As JennM and gnashty said, they can also be used for dechlorinating filter socks and decorations. Both products can be used in either fresh or saltwater. Alpha is reformulated and is 50% stronger than Prime.

I hope this helps! :)
So it can aid in sudden spikes in Nitrates if a water change can not be made right away?
nmr2930;617030 wrote: So it can aid in sudden spikes in Nitrates if a water change can not be made right away?

Yes. Just keep in mind that it can't remove nitrates, only bind them to render them less toxic... so you'll still need that water change, you'll just be sort of guarded until you can.
cr500_af is absolutely right! It will bind with them, rendering them non-toxic until your biological filter can consume them. I would still recommend regular routine water changes. :)