Problem Fish (redux)


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This thread stems from a recent post about problem fish. I was thinking we could all post fish that ended up being issues in our tank and if we get enough contributions maybe we could pin it here or in "New Member Q&A" I'm thinking more about the fish that folks really regret buying and not the one's that are known to be aggressive or damaging to reefs like certain triggers or puffers. @ActiveAngel posted the exeptions and I'll add them as we go. Here's the list based on the limited conversation we had in the other thread:
  • Damsels - these almost always turn into problem fish. They're aggressive but also pretty and cheap. Avoid buying these unless to want to keep damsels. Exceptions include Sapphire (Springeri) Damsels.
  • Dottybacks - pretty much the same thing. I have personally had issues with a particular immortal Splendid Dottyback. Exceptions include captive bred Orchid Dottybacks and Elegant Dottybacks
  • Large Clowns - This is from personal experience as my Clarkii Clown is huge and a real pain. Aggressive with tankmates and always making a mess while "nesting" in the sand bed. It sounds odd to have clowns on this list but I've heard several folks complain about them over the years.
  • Six line wrasse - These are great pest predators and I will always have one but they are regularly give away because they're too aggressive with tankmates. These little guys are one of my favorites because they're so active and colorful but adding them last is key and even then they can cause headaches.
We can make this thread whatever you guys want but I started adding fish that were difficult to care for (Moorish Idols, Mandarin Gobies. Groupers, sharks) but decided to delete them since they're not really problem fish per say, just hard to care for in the home aquarium. So, have you ever regretted buying a fish because it caused problems? If so, let us know and with any luck this will turn in to a reference people can check out. Also, if you disagree with anything I've posted, let me know.
An addition to the Large Clown Category if problem fish: any variation of Maroon clowns. Some of them, such as the lightning Maroons, are quite beautiful. But like Clarkiis, they get big and highly territorial. Additionally, while I’ve known of dozens of Occelaris and Perculas that would bite and sometimes break skin, such occurrences are more the norm than the exception with mature Clarkiis and Maroons.

Has anybody here ever had problems with big Tomatoes? I’m not particularly fond of their look, but many people love them and I don’t think I’ve ever been bit by one nor seen them harass other fish.
The meanest fish I've had has been my Purple Tang, he is in my qt right now because I wanted to add several new fish. The good thing is he went into the fish trap and was caught in 5 minutes!
Harlequin sweet lips. He wasn't aggressive just wouldn't anything, including live food