Problem with Phosphates. - HELP


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I'm having a major problem with phosphates. You know, all that purple stuff growing every where. I feed the fish every other day. I also started a fuge. It's been running for about 2 day. Can someone tell me what to do to decrease the phosphate count. Also, it there anyone in the Smyrna area? Thanks.:up:
grouper;158842 wrote: I'm having a major problem with phosphates. You know, all that purple stuff growing every where. I feed the fish every other day. I also started a fuge. It's been running for about 2 day. Can someone tell me what to do to decrease the phosphate count. Also, it there anyone in the Smyrna area? Thanks.:up:

Purple Stuff? You mean coralline? Its good to have coralline growing, it actually is preventing other algea from growing. If you have high level of phosphates,. you will have problem with other competing types of algea growing (hair algea, diatom).
guys...Im pretty sure he 's refering to cyno. ...grouper..are you using RO/DI unit? Also what about a protein skimmer? what is your bioload?
You must export the same or more nutrients than you put in. Overfeeding, tap water, high phosphate foods, etc. Use a phosphate reactor with some phosar or ROWA or whatever, and something to lower nitrates like a fuge, AZNO3, or whatever.

check out:"></a>



the links mysterybox provided are some of the best articles Ive read on the subject!!
Has anyone heard of using Cuprisorb for the removal of cyano? My boss SWEARS by the stuff but I've never tried it.
I personally, suggest not using any chemical solutions, as it only makes the problem unseen but dosent solve it. You have to treat the problem at the root of its source not at its symptoms.
Jade76, I'm in search of a good RO/DI unit. I plan to pick one up next week. I have a Tunze skimmer too. I also feed the fish once every 2 other day.. I only anenomes mostly. Just 2 tangs, pair of clowns, pair of golbys, a couple of anthias. That's it. One more thing, I'm not trying to use any chemicals. Thanks.
My bad, I thought you were making a joke with the purple algae thing (I thought it was coralline). The thumbs up threw me off. My bad... he he

I'm not in Smyrna, but kinda close. Did you need help with something? I'm no expert, but I might be able to lend some kind of hand?
I am in smyrna and at the tail end of a hair algae and cyano problem my self. I could stop by and try to pass off the info that was given to me. I think one of my main problems was not having my flow right.
dose kalkwasser for a few weeks. limewater precipitates phosphates.

also, adding a phosphate reactor (or a canister filter filled with GFO) would help. it's a relatively cheap piece of equipment ($40 with a pump from aquabuys).

Macro algae will also uptake phosphate.

get it in control now before the levels get too high. it is one of the more difficult parameters to control in a young tank, IMO.