problems with algae


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Hello I'm running into problems with heavy algae in my 90g reef tank flow is a 1400 and a 750 gph powerheads I use rodi water with 0 ppm. Having algae growth on my stoney corals and red slime on the sand bed. Any other info needed lmk thanks.
Algae and cyanobacteria are usually a function of light, flow and nutrients. You may have enough flow according to GPH but if it is not hitting the trouble spots you may want to add some smaller power heads to get flow to the affected areas. If you have good flow in the affected areas, then think about your lighting schedule as far as how long during the day the tank is lit, and/or is any part of the day allowing sunshine to hit the tank. Also the age of bulbs can be an issue as well. For nutrients, look at how much and how often you are feeding the tank, do you have any way to export nutrients through macro algaes? If not then you need to do it with water changes. Do you have a good clean up crew? They can't usually take care of algae if you have a major issue with any of the three items but they can help keep it clean if you can correct the issue or issues causing the algae in the first place.
supra930;770590 wrote: How long are you running your lights? What kind of lighting do you have?

I'm running ai's super blue I have the whites coming on at 9 the blue and royal blue coming in at 5 and then the whites going down at 5 not off but down and off at 10-12 Idk and the royal blue and blue down at 12:20 and the moons at 5% after that

Budsreef;770599 wrote: Algae and cyanobacteria are usually a function of light, flow and nutrients. You may have enough flow according to GPH but if it is not hitting the trouble spots you may want to add some smaller power heads to get flow to the affected areas. If you have good flow in the affected areas, then think about your lighting schedule as far as how long during the day the tank is lit, and/or is any part of the day allowing sunshine to hit the tank. Also the age of bulbs can be an issue as well. For nutrients, look at how much and how often you are feeding the tank, do you have any way to export nutrients through macro algaes? If not then you need to do it with water changes. Do you have a good clean up crew? They can't usually take care of algae if you have a major issue with any of the three items but they can help keep it clean if you can correct the issue or issues causing the algae in the first place.

I feed 3 times a day first mysis shrimp then mid day pellets then flakes before bed at all times there is an algae sheet in the clip. I do a 15-20 gallon water change every week . There is no sun hitting the tank. Idk what else it could be
How many fish do you have? Feeding three times a day is a lot! How many hours are you running the lights? That seems a little high as well but I'm not sure I understand the timing you listed.
I have a regal, naso, seabe clown, maroon clown, 5 green chromis, mandrin goby, cleaner shrimp, and a peppermint shrimp. And as far as the lights 9 o clock the whites come on and go completly off at 12. The blue and royal blues come in at 5 and go off at 12 20
eddie'sfig;770604 said:
I'm running ai's super blue I have the whites coming on at 9 the blue and royal blue coming in at 5 and then the whites going down at 5 not off but down and off at 10-12 Idk and the royal blue and blue down at 12:20 and the moons at 5% after that QUOTE]

So you have light over the tank for about 15hrs a day?