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Anybody using? A little over a year ago it was the hot topic. I have not heard anything lately. If using which of the prodibio products are you dosing? Are you seeing results?
I am using the biodigest, as per Glassbox Design's instructions. Not sure how great it is, but coupled with VSV is is working well.
I got some samples at a trade show, and I'm afraid to try them. I overheard somebody else talking to the sale guy at the booth, and he mentioned the words "tank crash". I heard more of the conversation too... including the French part (it's a French company)

Not saying it's a bad product - just that which I heard freaked me out a bit. I still have the samples - they gave me some of everything in their saltwater line.

A few of us I know are still using it. It is a little hard to gage how it is working. There are really no know tests to run numbers on it. It has not crashed anyones tank that I know of. But I am not sure if that is the measure of success that we should be using!
Sammy, and infrequent member here used it with success for a while I believe, but since has switched to Brightwell's neozeo. You might PM him with questions, but it will take a while for him to get back to you. Maybe RC is the place to ask.

BTw, did you read that thread? Interesting.
I was wondering the same thing, so I'm glad you asked. I missed the meeting where they gave out free samples, but chemically_balanced gave me the rest of his supply when I bought the tank from him, but i never used it.
I used the samples we received last year at one of the meetings. It worked okay, but since I have a 30 w/20 gal sump it was hard to control how much to put in once you open the little bottles. If too much was put in my skimmer would foam up and over flow into the sump, even after leaving it off for 12 hours. It wasn't worth the trouble so I quit using it.
Xyzpdq0121;317888 wrote: A few of us I know are still using it. It is a little hard to gage how it is working. There are really no know tests to run numbers on it. It has not crashed anyones tank that I know of. But I am not sure if that is the measure of success that we should be using!

I think Brandon hit on the reason there's so many Snake Oils </em>sold in this hobby...... With no way to test for the claims they make, and the lack of experiment </em>and control </em>test tanks, supplement/additive manufactorers really don't have to work to back up their claims as proving them dead wrong is difficult.
I am still using it. I started as part of the VSV routine, but kept using it lately because I am starting up a new tank and want to keep everythign under control. YOu definatly cannot over dose. I used like 3 vials in my tank the first day I set it up, and noticed nothing...
Yeah, as far as the bioDigest I dont think you can really OD. Maybe you can on the other products, especially the organic supplements and the carbon dosing.