Proper Introduction


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Macon, GA
Hey guys/gals...I've been lurking for a little while now and figured I'd properly introduce myself and provide a glimpse at my very first SW setup.

I'm new to this forum, but not new to the aquarium hobby. I've been keeping FW tanks for about 30 years now and currently keep a 125-gal, 75-gal, 55-gal and 5½-gal FW tanks. Here's my fishroom

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For my first foray in SW, I had purchased a used 12-gal JBJ Nanocube DX, but quickly determined it wasn't going to be big enough. So, I chose a 29-gal tank sitting on a DIY stand I had sitting around to start my journey. I've since decided I'm going to transfer to yet another setup I've got sitting empty, which is a 30-gal long with a 20-gal long below it (on another DIY stand), which will be used as an open sump. Still need to get the equip to set up the sump, but hopefully that will not be too far off.

Right now, my 29-gal is home to a couple of false percs, a Bangai Cardinal, a trio of three-stripe damsels, a blue damsel, a yellow-tail blue damsel and a Watchman Goby. I've got a decent CUC consisting of a Red-Leg Hermit, many, many, many Dwarf Cerith Snails, Florida Ceriths, Nassarius and a couple Nerites.

I've got about 20-lbs of mixed live sand and Marko Rocks sand, and about 40-lbs of live rock. My corals consist of Pulsing Xenia, Frogspawn, Hammer, Cabbage Leathers, Palys, Red/Green Mushrooms, Ricordia, GSP and some Zoas.

Equipment wise, I went with stuff I had on hand, so it's not idea, but it's working for now. It's a Marineland HOB filter and two Korailia PHs (One & Nano)</em>. For lighting, it's again, what I had lying around, so I've got an old single-tube T-8 housing that I gutted and fitted with ceramic screw-in fixtures which are outfitted with 4x 50/50 CFL bulbs. I've got an additional single-tube T-8 strip with an Eclipse Natural Daylight bulb in it (unsure the kelvin rating)</em>

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it...thanks for the great site and information. Here's a few pics of my stuff...

Current setup (tank, stand & canopy may be for sale soon)</em>
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Stuff Inside it
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Mystery coral I picked up from anomoly, here locally...any guesses?
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...and here's the future setup
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The plexi laying across the top of the 20-gal will be used for the baffles. I'm going to DIY a light hanger using the galvanized conduit and build a canopy with the same "industrial" look as the stand. The lights for this one will be an over-driven 4-bulb T8 setup built by anomoly.

Sorry for the verbal vomiting...tHE eND