Protein Skimmer or Refugium


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Hey all,

I need to decide on my next expense. I have a Reef tank (with some growing green mushroom corals) with what you see in my signature line. What is more pressing right now? Also, what is a good model skimmer (hang on back of course, I don't want an in-tank one because of space concerns) for a 29 gallon. I have checked the internet, but have been deluged with information.

i prefer the coral life supper skimmer 65...they do extremely well for the money
One question about skimmer dynamics. Does it just hang on the back and dump water back in like a powerhead filter? OR do I need some separate source to hold water? Then, I might as well go fuge first.
You Can Get A Hand On Back Refufium With Skimmer Attached To It Its Like 300 For It But Would Help Control Your Bioload If Not Try A Coral Life Super Skimmer 65 Or Better Or A Aquac Remora Hang On Back Pricey But Good Skimmer So Ive Heard
I have the cpr aquafuge with a built in skimmer on my 20 gallon. It works well and adds 4.5 gallons of volume.